Not drinking as much Going to the bathroom more often Question15/16 Drinking coffee or beer really makes you pee more. True False It depends Question16/16 The sound of water makes me have to pee. Is that normal? Normal Maybe not
It is called “The Elf on the Shelf” – not “The Elf drinking beer” or “The Elf taking Barbie for a joy ride” or “The Elf who leaves peanut butter hand prints all over the counter top”. THE ELF ON THE SHELF! Why the hell can’t he stay on the shelf where he belongs?
However, Thomas deduced that the birds could only gain free water from seawater if their drinking rates were low enough to trigger only salt gland excretion; this would give them 53–60 ml free water per day, about 60% of the expected daily turnover of 110 ml day–1 for Calonectris ...
The nurse told me what we need to watch, for now, is “kidney perfusion”. And nurses have been hanging their heads unhappy with the urine output. She is producing a low amount of urine. The colour is nice (like...
But here alone there is very little pleasure left in my drinking. When I began writing this account I’d given up booze for three weeks. Since going into the capital to see friends this isn’t true anymore, but I currently don’t have any alcohol in my house and, as long as I’m...
capsulethat liveson my keychain at all timeswhich contains Imodium and actually a tiny magnet compass. Surviving is more than just (see what I did there?) waiting for the apocalypse, but rather being that guy (or gal) who is always prepared for all the terrible shit life will throw at ...
My ethnography reveals that while consumption practices in the subculture of the TJ overlap with the rest of Pakistani society (eating, drinking, sleeping, using the toilet, wearing clothes, etc.), these practices differ from cultural norms in their style of consumption. For instance, what ...