Pokemon Day 2025 Dragonite Animated Video Shared Kazuma HashimotoKazuma Hashimoto Jenni Lada Jenni is Editor-in-Chief at Siliconera and has been playing games since getting access to her parents' Intellivision as a toddler. She continues to play on every possible platform and loves all of the sys...
However, you want to avoid using it against Lugia, Togekiss, Dragonite, Gyarados, Gardevoir, and Sylveon. These Pokémon are notorious for hunting down Dragon-types. As you likely expected, with so few weaknesses, most Pokémon can do decent damage against Palkia before fainting. If an opponent...
Previously, we have discussed how to master playing with other Pokémon likePikachu,Mamoswine,Eldegoss,Zeraora,Blissey,Charizard,Snorlax,Tsareena,Decidueye,Dragonite,Talonflame,Cinderace,Greninja,Gardevoir,Venusaur,Wigglytuff,Trevenant,Gengar,Lucario,Aegislash,Crustle,Hoopa,GarchompAbsol,Alolan Ninetales,Duraludo...
So who’s the strongest Pokémon of them all? As you can see, it depends on a lot of things. We can call it a day, and I can start listing Mega Evolutions since most have stats adding up to 780, but I believe each generation has its charm. Pokémon for a play-through and strong...
a feature that lets players pick a random card from someone else’s pull. When I woke up this morning, I saw that I could try to pull from my girlfriend’s most recent pack, which contained a shiny Dragonite card. I’m incentivized to add more friends, keep track of what cards they...
Salamence and Dragonite, it’s actually Roaring Moon—Salamence’s Paradox counterpart—stealing the show at LAIC, the first of the three big international tournaments this VGC season. Roaring Moon is among the top 12 most-used Pokémon at LAIC, landing a spot on 18.2 percent of...
The best teammates you can use alongside Regigigas include: Landorus (Therian), Gyarados, Giratina (Origin), Yveltal, Mewtwo, Metagross, Gardevoir, Garchomp, Zekrom, Dragonite, Magnezone (shadow), Ho-Oh, and several others. Regigigas is extremely flexible. It all comes down to what team you...
A bug that temporarily prevented a player from entering any input into the game could occur if a Tera Pokémon took certain actions while the player was choosing the target of their move. This has been fixed. Errors could occur when someone connecting to a Tera Raid...
We already knew something like this would be happening when TPC confirmed it would increase pack pricing to $4.49 and include “three guaranteed foil cards” as a trade-off, but PokéBeach has the full breakdown now. Image via The Pokemon Company With each 10-card pack, playe...
Weird pop-ins, spaghetti arms and eyes bulging out of trainers' heads are one thing, but a problem like this runs the risk of removing all sense of chance from competitive battles. All studios involved have been silent about the issue so far (as have they aboutallof the issues) bu...