AcronymDefinition VVFVail Valley Foundation(Avon, CO) VVFVesicovaginal Fistula VVFVaira Vike-Freiberga(former president of Latvia) VVFVillage Vacances Familles(French resort) VVFVerslo Vadybos Fakultetas(Lithuanian: Faculty of Business Management; Vilnius College of Higher Education; Lithuania) ...
AcronymDefinition BMBowel Movement BMBlack Male BMBeli Manastir, Croatia(automobile code) BMBatman BMBritish Museum BMBurning Man BMMyanmar(assumed name of Burma) BMBookmark BMBeam BMBlack Metal(music genre) BMBlack Market(illegal trade)
AcronymDefinition EKEastman Kodak(stock symbol) EKEmirates Airlines(airline code) EKEquatorial Guinea EKEast Kilbride(Scotland) EKEuropese Kampioenschappen(Dutch: European Championships) EKEigenkapital(German) EKEndorsement Key(computing) EKEvgeny Kissin(classical pianist) ...
TheInstitute of Sociometry(which gives us the “is” acronym in is PRESS) in this case is PRESS partnersHeather Link Bergman&Peter Miles Bergmanare excited and honored to have a large zine-themed installation in the fall MCA Denver exhibitionCitizenship: A Practice of Societycurated by Zoe Larki...
Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook DLM (redirected fromDownload manager) Dictionary Thesaurus Medical Financial Encyclopedia Wikipedia Category filter: AcronymDefinition DLMDirt Late Model(various companies) DLMDistributed Lock Manager(Oracle Parallel Server) ...
The “E” in FTPES means “explicit,” making the acronym stand for File Transfer Protocol over explicit transport layer security (TLS)/SSL. This type of FTP begins like regular FTP, using port 21, but then special commands upgrade it to a TLS/SSL-encrypted transmission. Because it tends ...
The “E” in FTPES means “explicit,” making the acronym stand for File Transfer Protocol over explicit transport layer security (TLS)/SSL. This type of FTP begins like regular FTP, using port 21, but then special commands upgrade it to a TLS/SSL-encrypted transmission. Because it tends ...
The name SPOT is an acronym for the French phrase Satellite Pour l'Observation de la Terre (Satellite for the observation of Earth). Aerial images of Earth taken with SPOT systems are stored in DAT format. This file format is classified as Raster Image. Related links: XnView, SPOT IMAGE ...
Yes, dear reader, we should focus on the meaning of the acronym ‘LLM’ and, in particular, the second ‘L’ . As I think most of you will know, it stands for ‘language’. LLMs are power-hungry beasts that are designed principally to spit out words — and they’re barely capable...
Authors: BC Kress, I Chatterjee Year: 2020 Cites: 85 Abstract:… architectures of diffractive waveguide combiners for augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR) headsets, and smart glasses. Extended reality (XR) is another acronym frequently used …...