private int getProgress() if (damageTaken == 0) { return 0; } else { return (damageTaken / maximumDamage) * progress.getHeight(); } } However, (and it's a big however) the reason you are getting divide by 0 is because maximumDamage is 0, not damageTaken. So, what you probabl...
By joye | January 23, 2012 Currently 3.9/5 1 2 3 4 5 Rating: 3.9/5 (46 votes) Platform: Flash Categories: browser, flash, free, game, linux, mac, rating-y, strategy, towerdefense, undefined, windows Comments (13) | Views (4,991) Hordes of Hordes. It's a title that ough...
7 divided by 0 is undefined. This is because it is absolutely impossible to divide a non-zero number by zero. Division is related to multiplication... Learn more about this topic: Division by Zero | Definition, Property & Examples
aFertility ofMfn1−/−and WT female mice (8-week-old) was assessed by mating with WT males of proven fertility (male/female; 1:2) for 12 weeks. The average number of delivered pups per litter per mouse was recorded. Data presented as mean ± SEM.N = 7 for each genotype...
// This will return true.if(Double.IsNaN(0/ zero)) Console.WriteLine("Double.IsNan() can determine whether a value is not-a-number."); Remarks Floating-point operations returnNaNto signal that result of the operation is undefined. For example, dividing 0.0 by 0.0 results inNaN. ...
Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Visit Stack Exchange Loading… Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site H...
Most often, this instruction will cause a trap when dividing by zero, and this applies whether the code is "intending to use the modulo" or "quotient" part. It is undefined so that processors and compilers have the freedom to implement what they fancy - e.g. if the processor just ...
Why is LPCSTR undefined in C++ VS2012 Why is my project not using the files in External Dependencies folder? why is WMI so slow? Why isn`t c++17`s std::aligned_alloc at all implemented? why StartServiceCtrlDispatcher always returns 0? Why the mouse cursor becomes "Busy..." whenever I ...
undefined Human CD4+CD25+ T cells increase in the liver of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: possible involvement in the escape from tumor rejection: Satoshi Yamagiwa, Takafumi Ichida, Xiu Hua Yang, Satoshi Sugahara, Toru Ishikawa, Hisami Watanabe, Yoshinobu Sato, Toru Abo, Hitoshi Asakura, ...
\end{note} \begin{note} \indextext{literal!string!undefined change to}% The effect of attempting to modify a string literal object is undefined. \end{note} \pnum \indextext{\idxcode{0}!string terminator}% \indextext{\idxcode{0}!null character|see {character, null}}% String literal ...