ameliatd:It helps in this case that Bragg is a Democrat: Manhattan district attorney isan elected position. So it’s not unexpected that Trump would try to link this indictment to the broader Democratic Party. But the reality is that there’s no investigation against Trump that won’t seem ...
How are district court judges selected? How is the Secretary of Defense appointed? How are members of the legislative branch chosen? How are jurors selected for a grand jury? Who selects the grand jury? Which Cabinet position is headed by the Attorney General?
Duckworth, who in 2004 deployed to Iraq as a Blackhawk helicopter pilot and sustained severe injuries when her helicopter was hit by an RPG, outlined that women who serve in combat roles have met the same standards as men, passing rigorous testing. She said Hegseth's position "just shows h...
Cooper was elected attorney general in 2000, a position he held for 16 years. In that post, he’s likely best known nationally for declaring three former Duke University lacrosse players innocent after they were wrongly accused of sexual assault by an escort service dancer. ...
Eddie Sajjad, an entrepreneur and political consultant, announced his candidacy earlier this month. Former Precinct 3 Constable Nabil Shike and Judge Christian Becerra, who presides over a district court, also are campaigning for the position as Democrats, the political party of incumbent County Judg...
The conservative leanings of some on the Central Committee, such as Schleifer, may favor Gibson, if she decides to apply for the delegate position. Cager has made it clear that she’s an active candidate, apparently backed by Carter, Ruff and the Young twins. ...
The ex-president’s increasing efforts to shatter the credibility of the 2024 election, as an apparent Plan B if he loses, coincide with a widening effort by GOP officials and “Make America Great Again” activists to position to undermine any Harris victory in courts, local election jurisdictio...
Barbara Lee, cast the nominee’s career as a prosecutor in an empathetic light from the DNC stage during a primetime slot Wednesday. Simon, who worked under Kamala Harris for about four years when she was San Francisco district attorney, described how the two women sought to reform the...
QUOTE OF THE DAY:“Let me be clear on my position: I am totally fine with Timothée Chalamet playing me in the biopic.”— 2025 New York City mayoral contenderScott Stringer,who does not resemble the actor,quoting an X postin which Chalamet discusses housing. ...
Microsoft Corporation was the first company to hold a pure monopoly position on personal computer operating systems. As of May 2024, its desktop Windows software still held a market share of more than 73%.1 Monopolistic Competition Multiple sellers in an industry sector with similar substitutes are...