Cogito, ergo sum, dictum coined by the French mathematician and philosopher René Descartes in his Discourse on Method (1637) as a first step in demonstrating the attainability of certain knowledge. It is the only statement to survive the test of his methodic doubt. The statement is indubitable...
54、wise you have committed a logical fallacy called “a dicto simpliciter ad dictum secundum quid”But this is marvy: But this is marvelous (wonderful)It will be better if: a request showing displeasuredesist: v. (fml.) fromto stop doing sth.The judge told the man to desist from threat...
Xi Jinping cited the ancient, contemporary, and foreign writers' celebrated dictums and stories about a dedicated attitude, creation without hurry and haste and hard work just to urge the writers and artists to bear the respon- sibility of presenting fine works that enjoy a widespread high ...
while religion is a discipline of worship. obeisance, and irrationality. Only religion could produce the dictum that women should cover their bodies and homosexuals should be thrown off roofs.
See Maimonides’sexplicit statement distinguishingthe philosophers’premises and“methodsofinference”to provethe existenceofthe deity from“the methodIshall adopt”in 1:71,183‒84.Like-wise, the doctrine of the unity of the intellect is proposed as the“dictum of the philosophers”(1:68...
and trans. Thiébaux, 154–155:Tu ergo, fili Wilhelme, cave et fugeiniquitatem, ama aequitatem, sectare iustitiam, time audire Psalmographi dictum:Qui diligit iniqui-tatem, odit animam suam.Absit a te ut, pro ceducis concupiscentiarum rebus, animam quam verus etmundus et veram et...
181.—Nizida is a well known contributor to Theoso phical and Spiritualistic periodicals, and being clairvoyante, is entitled to speak with' some authority on the subject of the astral world. In this little treatise Nizida does not give us a description of that world, but goes in ...
May, 1981 , from the old counhy as a sign of their resolution not to be submerged by the negative forces of an untamed land. The new pioneers - who could no longer pre- the illusion of escape fmm lhe very place where tl!ey lived - set out to create a Canadian literary language ...
I never tire of quoting Karl Popper’s dictum: Whenever a theory appears to you as the only possible one, take this as a sign that you have neither understood the theory nor the problem which it was intended to solve. It is hard but necessary to have this relationship with science, whos...
It was in execution of this promise that Guru Arjun was put to death with tortures on a framed-up pretext, under orders of Jahangir in the year 1606 and it was in pursuance of the politico-Islamic policy, embodied in the oft- proclaimed dictum by the Mujaddid, 'ash-shara tahtus-saif,...