Washington— Former Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly, Donald Trump's longest-serving White House chief of staff, said in a new interview that Trump prefers adictatorialapproach to government, occasionally remarked that Adolf Hitler "did some good things" and disliked appearing alongside amputee veterans....
Essay 24, and as described in paragraph 259 of FREEDOM, all that is needed to produce a psychologically upset state in a species is for it to become fully conscious because that self-adjusting capability will naturally have to defy the non-insightful, intolerant, dictatorial instincts—and this...
2013; Inglehart & Norris,2003). Gender status beliefs contribute to establishing organisational policies and social structures that create advantages for men over women (Kroska,2014). The sexism levels a society holds predict in time the
Even though she did not live long, her good deeds will continue to remind us of her.Aung San Suu Kyi (1945-)Daughter of great independence figure of General Aung San, Aung San Suu Kyi fought against the dictatorial(独裁的)rule of General Ne Win, adopting a non-violent approach. She ...
It may be driven by virtue signalling or self hatred but the urge to destroy civilisation in order to save the planet and the ideological agenda that drive the gree movement are too far removed from the realities of life to ever achieve their aims. Energy Has Putin Has Pushed Europe Into ...
Address the statement: dictatorial power causes self-deterioration, and self-destruction of the one who wields if it is desired for the wrong incentives and acquired in the wrong ways In The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas, what would happen if the...
Parents worry that giving clear directions to children is being harsh and dictatorial. Collaboration is king. Kids sense parents are seeking their agreement on the limit, which results in endless negotiation. The lack of a clear limit is what ends up so exhausting for parents and kid...
The economy is very much like the human body. The operation of both is governed by the laws of physics. The human body needs to consume a variety of food products. Alternative foods can be substituted, but the overall quantity of food needs to be sufficient for the po...
Advocates for children in a war torn country are not forced to be political and condemn the dictatorial regime of their host. Single issue focus is tolerated for human concerns but not for nonhuman animal concerns, even though the most abused and exploited beings on earth are apolitical, and ...
You and others may be worrying such a “consistency” would be absolutist and thus somehow dictatorial. This point of course goes to epistemology. As the Dao De Jing opening lines “道可道非常道,名可名非常名”actually say, the Daoists are only ever pointing to the truth, the map is not ...