Non-restrictive attributive clauseNon-restrictive attributive clause(非限制性定语从句) is an adjective clause set off from the main clause by commas. It provides added, but not essential information and does not restrict or limit the noun it modified.e.g.I finally felt comfortable within myself ...
Superlative adjectives in English are used to compare three or more things. They describe the highest degree or the most extreme quality of a given thing. For example, the superlative adjective “biggest” is used to describe the largest possible size of an object. So we would say, "This is...
N: endears P: respade speared S: resedas R: readers redears rereads T: dearest derates redates sedater W: drawees resawed V: adverse evaders More words that can be made using the letters in seared Synonyms of seared ...
The meaning of treasured treasured 3 definitions of the word treasured. Adjective Characterized by feeling or showing fond affection for Verb Hold dear Be fond of; be attached to What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in treasured?
Adjective ▲ Cherished or regarded with deep affection dear beloved cherished precious loved treasured special prized favoredUS favouredUK dearest sweet pet favoriteUS adored fond esteemed favouriteUK revered worshipedUS worshippedUK idolisedUK idolizedUS lionisedUK lionizedUS fair-haired white-headed muc...
scattered 8 definitions of the word scattered. Adjective Occurring or distributed over widely spaced and irregular intervals in time or space Lacking orderly continuity Verb To cause to separate and go in different directions Move away from each other; ...
athe study investigates the way people use and make sense of negated adjectives. Past research showed that by using a negated adjective, instead of an available antonym, one is able to communicate a mitigated sense of that antonym. 研究调查方式人用途并且有道理被否定的形容词。 通过显示的研究通...
Tu esi mano brangusis berniukas ir pasaulis bus būtent toks, koks nori, kad būtų. You are my darling boy and the world will be exactly as you want it to be. GlosbeWordalignmentRnD dear adjective Kaip laikaisi, mano brangusis? How are you, my dear? babe...
dearest. idolized. inestimable. Does Precious have a prefix? "Pre" in "precious" has never been a prefix. It's an old Indo-European root. What's the root word of precious? precious (adj.) mid-13c., "valuable, of great worth or price, costly," from Old French precios "precious, ...
To renege on, or fail to honor, an obligation or promise Verb ▲ To fail to meet a commitment on a regular payment Verb ▲ (of a game or contest)To fail to win Adjective ▲ Something that is usual or standard “Others may ignore their accounts and settle for thedefaultinvestment option...