you wouldn’t expect a toddler to function well in a highly structured grade-school classroom, and you shouldn’t expect an immature nervous system to be able to perform the same tasks as neurotypical white matter. Russell Barkley, PhD, states that the maturity of the ADHD brain lags roughly...
John Rack at CIF-DisAbilityI have not cross-posted this as I don’t want to break any CIF rules but have linked it instead. Unity’s Reply to LFAT:DisAbility Rod Duncan:DisAbility AA Gill:DisAbility Boy, 9, in Northern Ireland:DisAbility Dyslexia Action: DisAbility Meseret Kumulchew-DisAbili...
Identification of diagnostis criteria of developmental coordination disorder (DCD) or developmental dyspraxia subtypesL., VaivreDouretC., LalanneD., CabrolI., IngsterMoatiB., FalissardB., Golse