Ethan Hawke says he is basing his character in the Marvel Disney+ series 'Moon Knight' on cult leader David Koresh.
Did you know that serial killer David Berkowitz, the notorious Son of Sam, has spent the better part of 40 years imprisoned in Upstate New York?
The community was occupied by a sect called the Branch Davidians, who were led by a man named David Koresh. The raid resulted in a shootout in which four federal agents and six Davidians were killed. Mount Carmel Center: Now Greg Smith, Getty Images Mount Carmel Center: Now This was ...
The community was occupied by a sect called the Branch Davidians, who were led by a man named David Koresh. The raid resulted in a shootout in which four federal agents and six Davidians were killed. Mount Carmel Center: Now Greg Smith, Getty Images Mount Carmel Center: Now This was ...
One Millerite offshoot, led by Florence Houteff, the wife of a washing-machine salesman, gathered the movement's members together for another unsuccessful Doomsday on 22 April 1959; and it was another offshoot, the Branch Davidians, who congregated under the wild and charismatic David Koresh in...
David Koresh didn’t realize the McLennan County sheriff was “privy,” knowledgeably complicit and in on the mass murder and mayhem? Did he? The Branch Davidian’s local sheriff Jack Harwell publicly said; the FBI were lucky when they ran out of bullets, that David left any of them ...