Violette Rainbow and Skye in[specify] My Little Pony (2022 comics) Issue #14, My Little Pony: Black, White & Blue, and My Little Pony: Skye's Secret.[8]Young SixThe season eight premiere introduces the "Young Six", consisting of dragon Smolder, changeling Ocellus, griffon...
Die mit jeder Einstellung mobiler und dynamischer werdende Kamera,mitgerissenim Sog der als unaufhaltsam in Szene gesetzten Militärfahrzeuge, die vom raum-zeit-lichen Setting implizierte Konnotation permanenter Lebensgefahr,die SynchronisationderBilderzutreibenderHardRock-Musik,kurz:dashierzu...
:smallbiggrin: Dash, dash, Dashie From Cloudsdale, Fast as she can be! Dash Dash Dashie from Clouds Dale, Watch out for that! You know, it's brown and tall. I could have been persuaded that it was a tree trunk instead of a cliff. Might have been less painful for Dashie....