As a solo enthusiast (not a business or team) my resources are inherently limited. This project has been one of my passions, but I must balance it with other commitments. To manage AllTalk sustainably, I prioritize support requests based on their overall impact and the number of users ...
Here's the problem with the internet: it's inherently insecure. When the internet was first designed, the priority was to be able to send packets (chunks of data) as reliably as possible. Networking across the country and the world was relatively new, and nodes often went down. Mo...
Badis badis assamensis Ahl, 1937: 118 (type locality: Brahmaputra River drainage, Assam, India). Diagnosis. A dark blotch postero-dorsally on the opercle and two rows of irregular blackish blotches along the side; eyes large; mouth small, slightly upturned; lips thin; lower jaw longer th...
Every once in a while I’ll hear people say something along the lines of “well that’s for web sites, but it’s not really relevant for web apps.” That implies there is some kind of line that separates the two. Different needs and rules that change the game and alter the conversati...
Proactive versus reactive approaches.Threat intelligence is inherently proactive, aiming to anticipate and prevent attacks by staying ahead of adversaries through continuous monitoring and analysis. Cybersecurity encompasses both proactive measures (like patch management andsecurity awareness training) and reactiv...
As far as accessibility, Escargone is in a category of games that is inherently easy to operate. Most players should have little trouble playing it, although the repeated clicking has to be done at a rate that those with particularly slow hands might find to be a strain. On the other han...
Newly created land is inherently unstable and much of the new land will collapse back into the ocean after a while. Park rangers keep a close eye on the stability of the lava bench and limit the lava viewing area based on what they judge to be safe. This safe distance is based on visu...
Mac is the only one of the three platforms where Qt inherently supports the system-level dark mode. A brand-new higher-contrast icon set for Sigil has been contributed by BeckyEbook. Thanks for all your contributions to this version @Becky! Sigil’s preference widgets have been redesigned to...
That said, I'm not saying the combat philosophy is inherently bad. Games like red dead online or GTA are also highly unfair. People enjoy it (I hate it...) Games like For Honor and even Fallout 76's dead battle royale mode were fair (in F76's case it's because everyone starts wi...
And so simultaneously using both violence as a way to control the ladder, and reinforcing narrative of you will never be at the top because you are inherently not good enough to be. And so, that is how you end up with systems and structures like white supremacy and the agents therein. ...