Since cyanosis is a symptom of a disease or condition, treating it depends on the underlying cause. Often, the first step is togive supplemental oxygen to reverse hypoxia, which is low oxygen levels. Then, doctors can address the root cause. The goal is to restore oxygenated blood supply if...
develops a bluish skin color around the mouth, nose, or fingernails (signs of cyanosis) How is croup diagnosed? Croup can be easily diagnosed by a doctor through a physical examination. Physicians may even be able to recognize the telltale barking cough over the phone. ...
A disease is a disturbance in the normally functioning system of a living organism. Diseases are different from injuries as they do not have to be the result of a physical impact. Diseases can effect a specific area or the entire body and cause the affected individual to exhibit symptoms and...
“It's important to know that cyanosis, which is when a lack of oxygen causes a child’s skin to get paler or blue, is a very late finding. So if I see a kid in the emergency room who looks blue, gray, or totally, totally pale, I'm getting out my whole resuscitation cart,” ...
Describe the disease symptoms and sign seen in an adult. What is osteoarthritis and what is the reason for this condition? Explain. Explain the anti-inflammatory effects of glucocorticoids. What symptom distinguishes a second-degree from a third-degree burn? A. presence of significant pain initi...
Peripheral cyanosis Conditions Associated with a Barrel Chest In an adult, a barrel chest may either be associated with osteoarthritis or COPD. However, in children, it may be associated with chronicasthmaorcystic fibrosis. 1. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) ...
The presence of other symptoms may be related to complications or other asbestos-related diseases. Signs ofcyanosiswithperipheral edema(swelling of the legs and sometimes hands) may be an indication ofright sided heart failure.Unintentional weight losswithlymphadenopathy(enlarged lymph nodes),hemoptysis(...
Cyanosis(appearance of blue lips, fingernails, or skin) Severe coughing spells Pale skin Anxious, agitated demeanor Older Children and Adults Healthy adults and older children with RSV usually develop a mild upper respiratory tract illness with cold symptoms, such as: ...
The lips are usually red, but they can take on a bluish colour (cyanosis) in people with heart problems, due to the failure of the cardiovascular system to deliver oxygenated blood to tissues. Of course, people also get blue lips if they are extremely cold or have been at a high altitud...
Which of the following processes is not a cardinal sign of inflammation? a. redness b. heat c. fever d. swelling Inflammation: Inflammation is an immune response to cellular injury. Inflammation is initiated by the release of compounds such as hista...