In Matthew 12:31-32, Jesus equates blasphemy of the Spirit with speaking against the Spirit. As a result, many argue that the unforgivable sin is cursing the Holy Spirit. But when we understand what a curse is and what it means to curse the Holy Spirit, we will see that cursing the ...
Blessings and cursings, you obey you get blessed, you disobey you get cursed, you get judgment. And so that law becomes a school master as Galatians 3 says, to shut us up until faith in Messiah comes, until faith in Jeshua, until faith in Jesus the Christ, the Messiah comes. Then ...
Christianity’s invention of Hell is a gift to anyone seeking truth because it decisively reveals the man-made nature of the faith. Hell is not discussed in the Old Testament, but that didn’t stop Jesus from announcing it many times in the Gospels, mostly in a very threatening tone. He ...
The USCIRF Is Only Cursing the DarknessRobert A. Seiple
Christianity has always taught that Christians are not obligated to keep the laws given by God through Moses to the nation of Israel. Notice, however, what the apostles said in Acts 15:21. For Moses of old time hath in every city them that preach him, being read in the synagogues every...
I have begun to wonder just what kind of country we would now have IF Christianity had been allowed to flourish, instead of being stifled. For example, school children NOT being allowed to bring bibles to school, or crucifixes. Now, they cannot even speak the holy Name of Jesus, or give...
Verse 4 might be cursing those who seek other gods, or it might be rendered that “the idols” multiply, meaning something like they chase after all sorts of gods without profit. David puts his faith in Yahweh, who instructs him in righteousness (v7) and protects him (v10). Verse 10 ...
Jehovah's Witnesses are not considered part of mainstream Christianity, and often referred to disparagingly as a sect or cult. As these terms are somewhat devoid of meaning by being broad in nature, this article specifically considers whether Watchtower uses excessive levels of coercion to control ...
(often referred to as the Ark of the Covenant) was housed within the Holy of Holies and only the priests (Levites) were allowed in this area. The Tabernacle was carried with the children of Israel during their many years of wandering in the wilderness on their way to the “Promised ...
However, anytime we are not walking with the spirit of Jesus in us with all tough decisions based on, “What would Jesus do?” And Antoinette, Christianity isn’t a religion. We just study history commonly referred to as the Holy Bible. Religions are the various interpretations and ...