CSS and SCSS: you can copy BsMultiSelect.css (included to distribution) and update values manually for your theme. Or you can use./scss/BsMultiSelect.scsscopy it to your project and update reference to your custom BS variables in yout theme); these requires such configuration: ...
SCSS is functionally the same as SASS except it uses curly braces to separate rules. WebsiteDocumentationHow to Install Quick Example CSSli{font-family:serif;font-weight:bold;font-size:1.2em;}SCSSli{font:{family:serif;weight:bold;size:1.2em;}}SASSlifont:family:serifweight:boldsize:1.2em ...
Your PR title should use the same title as its corresponding GitHub issue but prefixed with the issue number e.g. Issue #108: Remove style.scss and style.css from the repo and package json files And in the PR description include:
Changing CSS file using OnClick Changing Firefox values in about:config via Javascript Changing Jquery UI Dialog title bar color Changing label color for each label control changing mouse cursor to hourglass Changing Title in alert( ) message box??? Chart.js - assign the same color to the s...
Moved split-pane-mode.less file into a .scss file. Removed remaining u… 8年前 README Apache-2.0 Swagger UI New! Compatibility How to run Easy start! Docker Prerequisites Integration Tests Browser support Known Issues Direct use of JS and CSS assets ...
If 'float' has a value other than 'none', the box is floated and 'display' is treated as 'block'css(propertyIgnoredDueToDisplay) This warning states that they way inline-block and float work are similar. So when you first set display: inline-block; and then set float: left; ...
User privilege to add custom.js & custom.scss files Fixes We are continuously fixing any issues we come across with Helix Ultimate. You are welcome to report any bug you may find while testing Helix Ultimate 2.0 Alpha 1. Some of the fixes are as follows. ...
(Alternatively, for SCSS compatibility you can also use meta-selectors prefixed byeq_instead of a:or$. These areeq_thisoreq_self,eq_parent,eq_root,eq_prev, andeq_next) CSS Functions eval('')eval('') demo CSS Units ewelement widthew demo ...
CSS/SASS/SCSS Config Files Configuration Management Containers Continuous Integration Deno Embedded Embedded Ruby (a.k.a. ERB, eRuby) Gherkin HTML JSON Kubernetes LaTeX Laravel Makefiles Markdown Metalinter Mobile Nix Node.js Packages Prometheus Protocol Buffers Puppet Rails Security/SAST Smart Contracts...
Changing CSS file using OnClick Changing Firefox values in about:config via Javascript Changing Jquery UI Dialog title bar color Changing label color for each label control changing mouse cursor to hourglass Changing Title in alert( ) message box??? Chart.js - assign the same color to th...