Disco biscuits – Quaalude (methaqualone) Ditchweed – low potency marijuana that grows wild Do up – inject a drug, especially heroin Dollies – methadone (from the brand name Dolophine) Doors and fours – Doriden (gluthethimide) and codeine Double trouble – Tuinal (amobarbital/secobarbital...
Solid solidarity:The willingness to help others, extend a hand,sharewhat’s on hand and pull together, is very much a Cuban trait and vividly on display right now—globally and locally. Despite or because of all the very serious problems with the food supply (compounded by the cruel and fa...
The drugs within these categories are crystal meth, marijuana, angel dust, and heroin. The pharmaceutical categories tested are barbiturates, benzodiazepines, methaqualone, methadone, and propoxyphene. The common drugs names in these categories include: reds Valium Xanax Quaaludes Darvon Urinalysis, ...