软件版本:v0.368 软件等级: 软件语言:简体中文 应用类型:模拟经营 CrushCrush是一款深受玩家喜爱的恋爱模拟游戏。在游戏中,玩家将扮演一位年轻的主角,与众多性格各异的角色展开一段段甜蜜的恋爱故事。这些角色不仅外形迷人,而且性格鲜明,每个角色都有自己独特的背景故事和喜好,使得游戏剧情更加丰富多彩。
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Wow, our teamcrushedit this quarter/year! 哇,我们这个季度/今年大获全胜了! Pick your brain 寻求意见 Can Ipick your brainfor a second? 能问下你的意见么? Think outside the box 跳出思维圈(comfort zone) Let's startthin...
“Crush” in the sense of defeating. to absolutely defeat someone or something. to perform very well in a specific task, situation, contest, or challenge. to beat an opposite team or party in a game or competition. Example Sentences
[Game] Truck Driver City Crush Play free gangster action. The city of sins cannot be changed. Here everyone is for himself. All residents of the city want profit. You are not an exception. You arrived in this city with the goal of earning money using your abilities. You are a great ca...
It's in many ways helped redefine what it means to be a "gamer", now someone perhaps just as likely to be a commuting mother as a pasty teenager in a blacked-out bedroom. Indeed, most Candy Crush players are women, and its huge player base has helped...
Crush 大获全胜 Wow, our teamcrushedit this quarter/year! 哇,我们这个季度/今年大获全胜了! Pick your brain 寻求意见 Can Ipick your brainfor a second? 能问下你的意见么? Think outside the box 跳出思维圈(comfort zone) Le...
Candy Crush Fruis Jump -Summer Time游戏简介 _Candy crush fruit jump-summertime is very funny games and enjoyable games with a beautiful and ooth graphic, collect all the candies on the game and avoid the bomb candy. This game is really funny and enjoyable for you and your kids_Use popular...
With the upcoming release ofCandy Crush Solitaire, King appears to be betting big on the idea that adding a sugary dusting of their hit franchise to the iconic solo card game willbe enough to pull in new players. But as it turns out, they're also casting their net a bit wider than ju...
“赶紧分享给你的crush听听吧”||《Didn't Stand A Chance》 04:20 “可恶,又是我们几个有品位的在听”||《Numb Little Bug》 02:50 “写作业的时候千万别听这首歌”||《We Never》 04:09 “这个串烧连接堪称完美”||《Best of 2012》 03:30 ...