McCoy, Terrence
Image:Vladimir Putin speaks at a rally in Moscow to support the annexation of Ukraine's Crimea to Russia in 2014 What are the chances of Ukraine retaking Crimea by force? Crimea is a huge part of Russia's history and Russia never believed that Crimea was not Russian, re...
Crimea is a peninsula in eastern Europe, located in the Black Sea. It is connected to Ukraine by a small strip of land in the north. The eastern shore of Crimea has a finger that almost touches Russia, and a goal of Russia is to build a bridge across the strait to connect itself to...
According to the naval base lease, Russia is not permitted to operate its military outside the base’s perimeter, not even military vehicles or equipment without permission from Ukraine. Now that Crimea has become a flashpoint in a battle between East and West it appears that promise has been ...
What is the history between Russia, Ukraine, and Crimea? What is the history of the governmental structure of Ukraine? What was Ukraine before 1991? What is the history of Russia? What is the history of Sudetenland? What caused the Great Famine in Ukraine?
when the Soviet Union’s Presidium of the Supreme Soviet transferred it from the Russian SSR to the Ukrainian SSR. Putin argued that the transfer had been premised on Ukraine and Russia being in the same Union, and when Ukraine became independent Crimea should revert to Russia, which had held...
"We want, like you, a sovereign and prosperous Ukraine," he told a meeting at NATO headquarters. But he described any ambition to return Ukraine to its pre-2014 borders - before Russia annexed Crimea - as an "illusionary goal". Ukraine 'must be involved...
Asked about Kremlin comments about Russia regarding itself as at war due to the West's intervention on Ukraine's side, Macron said it would be a mistake to think Russia planned to halt its agression in the Donbass and Crimea. "By using this term, one is also even...
(Read more: US yields drop; traders run for shelter on Ukraine) Newscasts monitored by CNBC carried no substantial level of opposing opinions and did not explore the legality of Russia's moves in Crimea or whether they're in the long-term interests of Russia. —By CNBC's Dina Gusovsky....
Is the Ukraine part of the Russian Federation? Is Crimea a country? What country is east of Ukraine? Is the Ukraine in Asia? Is Russia a socialist country? Is Russia a capitalist country? Is Ukraine the poorest country in Europe? Is Russia a democratic country? Is Bulgaria a communist cou...