Cornell University located in Ithaca,New York, a private university with four state-supported statutory or contract colleges.Its two medical campuses are in New York City and Education City,Qatar.Cornell is one of two private land grant universities,and a member of the Ivy League....
【题目】100分,请好心人帮我翻译下这三段英文Cornell University located in Ithaca, New York, a private university with four state-sup ported statutory or contract colleges.Its two me dical campuses are in New York City and Edu cation City,Qatar.Cornell is one of two private land grant...
Cornell is unique among elite universities in that it operates as both a public and private university. Cornell contains many individual colleges within its university system, and some of these get funding from New York State. That means parts of Cornell operate essentially as yet another SUNY sch...
The Ivy League(常春藤联盟)is a name for eight schools in the northeastern America. All but one were established many years ago, when England had colonies in this area. The oldest schools are Harvard Yale, Columbia, Dartmouth, Princeton, Brown and University of Penn. The newest is Cornell fou...
DePaul University is a private university in Chicago, Illinois. Founded by the Vincentians in 1898, the university takes its name from the 17th-century French priest Saint Vincent de Paul. In 1998, it became the largest Catholic university by enrollment in the United States. Following in the ...
The Ivy League(常春藤联盟)is a name for eight schools in the northeastern America.All but one were established many years ago,when England had colonies in this area.The oldest schools are Harvard Yale,Columbia,Dartmouth,Princeton,Brown and University of Penn.The newest is Cornell founded in 1865...
About Cornell University Cornell University is a private Ivy League research university located in Ithaca, New York. It was founded in 1865 by Ezra Cornell and Andrew Dickson White. The university has over 23,000 students enrolled in its undergraduate and graduate programs. Cornell has an extensive...
2.Whatwasthegeneralannualcostoftop-tiercollegesorIvyLeagueschools,suchasCornelluniversity?Thegeneralannualcostoftop-tiercollegesismorethan$45,000ayear.PartOne QUESTIONSANDANSWERS 3.Whatisthemeaningofthephrase“landjobs”inthefourthparagraph?Itmeanstofindjobs.PartOneQUESTIONSANDANSWERS 4.Whatisthereasonforthose...
(殖民地) in this area.The oldest ones are Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Dartmouth, Princeton, Brown and University of Penn and the newest is Cornell founded in 1865.Originally, the term Ivy League was used to describe a sports grouping of the eight universities but many language experts believe ...
After receiving his PhD in 1970, the author has spent almost 30 years conducting research on the economics of higher education, chairing faculty budget committees at Cornell, serving as a Cornell vice president and then as a trustee of both Cornell and SUNY, and being associated with innumerable...