2022.01.12 • Slaveholders in Congress, pension plans, journal editors, radio on the internet, and chocolate bar reviews. 2022.01.05 • Civil asset forfeiture, joint military exercises, medical drug names, foundation shades, and honey bees. 2021.12.29 • Local mortality and the 1918 pandemic...
In Ballistocardiography and Cardiovascular Dynamics: 1st World Congress, Amsterdam, April 1965; S. Karger: Berlin, Germany, 1965; pp. 31–35. [Google Scholar] Davis, F.W.; Scarborough, W.R.; Mason, R.E.; Singewald, M.L.; Baker, B.M. The Effects of Exercise and Smoking on the...
Plutocracy in the U.S. "Of all forms of tyranny the least attractive and the most vulgar is the tyranny of mere wealth, the tyranny of a plutocracy," President Theodore Roosevelt wrote in his autobiography.2Roosevelt wrote this at a time when the wealthy paid little or noincome taxand co...
Patti Page,The Voice of Patti Page(LP Mercury MG 20100): Keep Me in Mind (Burt Bacharach & Jack Wolf) Eileen Rodgers, The Desperate Hours (Burt Bacharach & Wilson Stone) [promotional song for the Paramount film “The Desperate Hours”] (flip side of “I Had To Lose You To Love You”...
Unfortunately, the West case is not a lone situation of financial elder abuse, but part of a serious problem. It has been reported in the New York Times, the New Yorker magazine, the Wall Street Journal, Netflix, some GAO reports to Congress *** etc. Mr....
Because congresspeople in New Jersey and Florida have his ass over a barrel, posing a threat to his power and the Democrats’ future in mid-term elections. Haiti? Who cares. Cubans? Expendable. Cuba? Capitulate to elected bullies to consolidate power in the Beltway—using florid and moving ...
even if the Apollo missions are the big ones — I find them all interesting because of just how improvised everything had to be and how much the astronauts and crews both were putting on the line to achieve greater heights, sadly up to and including their lives in the case of Apollo 1...
Before we began, I provided them with a number of options to choose from: things I thought might be common fears, like heights, public speaking, spiders, snakes, dogs, and cats. I had expected that my students would get a lot of practice saying, “I’m scared of spiders,” and “I...
Congress passed a law in 1945 to clarify that the National Airport was located within Virginia. ... ThePentagon was built inland from the high-water mark, so it is located within Virginia. The dredge spoils used to create Columbia Island are within the District of Columbia. ...
China's banking system: issues for congress During 2003-2009, along with the compliance of corporate governance, large-scale introduction of foreign capital, trans-regional development, mergers and acquisitions, and entry of strategic investors, the total assets of Chinese city commercial banks have ...