conducted 6 definitions of the word conducted. Verb Direct the course of; manage or control Lead, as in the performance of a composition; Barenboim conducted the Chicago symphony for years" Behave in a certain manner Take somebody somewhere ...
In a survey conducted by Nuts magazine that asked its readers how long they took to recover from a cold or flu, where women put an average of 1.5 days, what did men put? a) 1 day b) 2 days c) 3 days Neil I’m going t...
The answer to this week’s quiz question. I asked you in a survey conducted by Nuts magazine that asked its readers how long they took to recover from a cold or flu, where women put an average of 1.5 days, what did men put? a) 1 day b) 2 days c) 3 days Neil And I said 3 ...
verb 1.To bring the hands or fingers, for example, into contact with so as to give or receive a physical sensation: feel,handle,palpate,touch. 2.Slang.To establish the identification of: identify,pinpoint,place,recognize. Idiom:put one's finger on. ...
Finally, Leiter et al. conducted a meta-analysis of written work relating to ChatGPT, which involved examining Twitter data with sentiment analysis and topic labelling [33]. Through analysing 300,000 tweets, they found that the five major classes of topics discussed on Twitter were science and ...
The researchers conducted experiments to gain insight into the behavior of atoms. Conversion: The play’s script was translated into multiple languages for international audiences. Integration/incorporation: The small nonprofits merged into a single community organization in order to draw on one another’...
A book for all who strive to tap into their own creativity Following up on her successful Life is a Verb , and in the tradition of Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way, Patti Digh here presents a book that leads readers by both heart and head to acknowledge, reinforce, and use their own...
This work is conducted at the KNAW Humanities Cluster's Digital Infrastructure department, and funded by the CLARIAH project (CLARIAH-PLUS, NWO grant 184.034.023) as part of the FAIR Annotations track.About Stand-off Text Annotation Model (STAM) is a data model for stand-off-text annotation...
a company's board of directors will thoroughly vet a candidate for companyCEOor other top management positions before making a hiring decision. Or, a business will properly vet a potential major supplier in order to determine whether it has conducted its business efficiently and honestly in the ...
Note: A documentation of carefully curated technical engineering questions & challenges by experienced Engineers who have conducted many interviews. These are amongst popular and important engineering questions to test knowledge of candidates in interviews. Any questions taken from external references are ref...