Concealed Carry Law Is Too Limiting
Can You Concealed Carry in Denver, Colorado? Leaders in Denver recently passed a new ordinance that bans the concealed carry of firearms in city parks and city-owned or leased buildings. Signage will be posted at public entrances and parks stating that concealed carry is prohibited. The new or...
Here we’ll look into what makes a good concealed carry holster, what types are available and some recommendations of the top models out there today. From there, you should find yourself armed with enough knowledge to hunt down the best concealed carry holster to fit your needs and enhance y...
Concealed Carry for Women: Protecting Yourself Of the women I spoke to who carry firearms, one commonality became apparent: They are driven not to protect themselves, but those they love and care for. That alone is one heck of a reason to own a gun, but your own personal protection should...
We believe students, faculty, and members of the community with concealed handgun licenses should have the same right to self-defense on campus that they enjoy virtually everywhere else. Get Involved Make a Donation Guns on Campus Bills in 2022 Campus Carry in the Age of Coronavirus How ...
The state can no longer deny concealed carry permits to people in the state. Until this decision NOBODY unless you were connected and very rich got the permit. That being said I am eying my P2000 for concealed carry? Is the P2000 suitable for that or is it just to big. Seems kind of...
However, it’s perfectly legal in Indiana for folks to run around with a loaded rifle. The state doesn’t require a permit to carry a long gun. So nothing was done. Devon Lyons can have his rifle. It happened again the following day. The Clark County Sheriff sent deputies to monitor ...
legal in all states and the only thing they need to change in the magazine capacities. The loaded chamber indicators stand so tall that you in no way can mistake if the pistol is loaded. You have a small manual safety that doesn’t seem obstructive if shooting, but can in fact be a ...
In at least ten states, there's a push to let college students carry concealed weapons to combat sexual assault -- but even some victims don't like the idea
In the culture of concealed carry, enthusiasts speak of “good guys with guns” and “bad guys with guns,” as if the language of preschoolers could adequately capture the complexity of negotiating our increasingly diverse society. Worse, these same people speak of “gun-free zones” as if su...