NYU vs Columbia is an ongoing debate among students. Both of them have their pros and cons. Let's compare them and help you decide which one is better!
law school is a no-brainer if you plan to become a lawyer. but if you have no interest in practicing law, it’s important to weigh the costs and benefits . the advantages law school gives you in the workforce as graduate schools and workplaces become increas...
the colorful language the colors of fall the colors of the rai the colosseum at caes the columbia history the comb the comb and wattle b the combat phase the comedy the comedy of mismatc the comet network the coming of the hol the coming through the commanding signal the commedy of error...
A 2020 report by LawHub, based on data from the Department of Education, found that some schools do better than others regarding job placements and salaries. Looking at students three years out of law school, Cornell University, University of Pennsylvania, and Columbia University take the top th...
Su Changhe, dean of the School of International Relations and Public Affairs at Fudan University, noted that the Anglo-American world retains many characteristics of feudal and aristocratic systems. "Such institutional arrangements result in not all people being served, and the concept of the people...
Pulitzer Prize Winner & Columbia University Professor talks with Rebellion Research As a result of the acceptance rate, financial aid, and graduation rate of both school’s, which are nearly indistinguishable, students often turn to ask: Which school offers the better academic possibilities? Or bette...
The term “gap year” is more commonly applied to students who take a year (or less, rarely more) away from their regular studies, usually between high school (upper secondary school) and college (university). Some students may instead take a gap year before starting the last stage of thei...
Biden once said, "It's never been a good bet to bet against America." Funny enough, given the many misguided policies, it is the United States that is betting against itself, not anyone else. So instead of shifting the blame onto China, the United States should really think about redirec...
the behan school of economic theory 4 Let me admit up front that I understand economic theory about as well as I understand quantum field theory. I have, at best, a vague grasp of some of the concepts. This is one of the reasons I belong to the Brendan Behan School of Economic Theory...
So I think I would make a good lawyer. I am planning to open a law firm by 我理想的工作是律师。 律师,特别是那些熟悉全球性法律和流利在外语,将是在巨大需求。 我有一只好眼睛为细节,一个锋利的头脑,优秀记忆并且喜欢承担责任。 如此我认为我会做一位好律师。 我计划由我自己打开律师事务所某一天。