a former policy by a non-Communist country, as Finland, of maintaining neutrality with the Soviet Union with a consequent susceptibilty to its influence. [1965–70] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, ...
The study was conducted in the mathematics department of a major research-intensive university in Finland. This mathematics department provides an intriguing research context for our study due to its unique teaching arrangements. The learning environments have been developed intensively. Most notably, the...
FCFinnish Chemicals(Kemira affiliated company, Finland) FCFlight Clearance FCFoaming Capacity FCFlight Cycle(aviation) FCFantasy Congress(game) FCFeasibility Condition FCFractocumulus(cloud formation) FCFinance Command FCForces Citoyennes(French: Citizen Forces, Morocco) ...
Finland’s public education is free for all students, and college tuition is low. The Helsinki University of Technology, the Aalto University, and the University of Helsinkiare ranked among the top 100 universitiesin the world. The country also has a high literacy rate, with 99.99% of Finns ...
CCOCanadian College of Organists CCOChief Control Officer CCOCercle des Compagnons d'Oniros(French: Oniros Fellowship Circle; gaming community) CCOCircumpolar Coordination Office(University of the Arctic; Rovaniemi, Finland) CCOCentre Catalan d'Oncologie(French: Catalan Oncology Center) ...
Reindeer in Finland freely walk the land, but around 4,000 of them are killed every year through road accidents. This is a loss to the herders, drivers, and of course, the reindeer themselves. There is a new smartphone app which is trying to save the animals and save people money. When...
32.In Japan, the guest at an evening party will ___. A) leave early without saying good bye B) stay as long as he can C) stay to have a swimming with the host D) present their business cards immediately 33.In Finland, business guests may ___. A)...
___.A.follows in Finland’s footstepsB.fails to cater to the public’s needsC.greatly decreases students’ interest in learningD.serves as an addition to the college-bound track【小题2】How is Finland’s VET special?A.It is a major part of comprehensive education.B.It opens up opportuni...
C. It is totally independent of a college education. D. It is flexible and fully respects students' choices.30.Which of the following can explain VET's success in Finland? A. VET guarantees trainees a good job. B. VET is free of charge for all trainees. C. VET is totally supported ...
TPSTurun Palloseura(football and ice hockey club; Turku, Finland) TPSThai Privilege Spa(Bangkok, Thailand) TPSTechnical Product Support TPSTerminal Proxies TPSTwin Pulse System TPSTriangles per Second TPSTransaction Programs TPSThird Party Supplier ...