Cat’s pee – crack cocaine Champagne of drugs – cocaine hydrochloride Chasing the dragon – inhaling vapors of heroin or cocaine heated on tin foil Cheroot – smoking cigar-shaped object (tobacco or marijuana or mixture) Chicken sh*t habit – small heroin habit, usually not addicted Chillums ...
46,47,48. We have hypothesized that BAs may be an important feature in the destabilization ofLactobacillusspp.-dominant vaginal microbiota and the initiation of BV, as well as the characteristic malodor of BV56. The decarboxylation of amino acid precursors to form BAs results in increased pH ...
Cocaine was labeled the drug of the 1980s and ‘90s because of its extensive popularity and use during this period. However, cocaine is not a new drug. In fact, it is one of the oldest known drugs. The pure chemical, cocaine hydrochloride, has been an abused substance for more ...
Epidemiological estimates of risk in the process of becoming dependent upon cocaine: cocaine hydrochloride powder versus crack cocaine. Psychopharmacology 2004; 172: 78–86. CAS PubMed Google Scholar Heyman GM . Resolving the contradictions of addiction. Behav Brain Sci 1996; 19: 561–610. Google...
Brown cocaine: This type of cocaine is made with a mixture of cocaine, amphetamines, and gunpowder. This dangerous concoction increases the risk of stroke and heart attack. Cocaine hydrochloride: Physicians prescribe this form of cocaine to numb the nose’s mucus membranes before surgery. It’s ...
All rats were trained to press an active lever for cocaine reward (i.v. infusion of cocaine hydrochloride) for at least 10 days on a fixed ratio 1 (FR1) schedule of reinforcement in 2 h sessions to reach a criterion of 410 cocaine infusions/day (0.2 mg/50 μl infusion for males, ...
Please try refreshing the page. If that doesn't work, please contact support so we can address the problem.We’re sorry, something doesn't seem to be working properly. Please try refreshing the page. If that doesn't work, please contact support so we can address the problem.Skip...
Betaine hydrochloride Sigma-Aldrich Cat# 61962 BD1047 dihydrobromide Tocris, Abingdon, UK Cat# 0956 Bradykinin acetate salt Sigma-Aldrich Cat# B3259 Bovine serum albumin (BSA) Europa Bioproducts Ltd, Cambridge, UK Cat# EQBAH64 Choline chloride Sigma-Aldrich Cat# C7017 cOmplete™ protease inhibitor...
These include cocaine, ephedrine hydrochloride, adrenaline (epinephrine), naphazoline and phenylephrine hydrochloride. See adrenergic receptors; cholinergic; cycloplegia; miotics; muscle, dilator pupillae; mydriasis; reflex, pupil light; sympathomimetic. The detachment of a portion of a muscle from its ...
cocaine hydrochloride—commonly known as powder cocaine—which is a salt, not a base. Powder cocaine can be converted into crack or freebase, both of which are bases. The relevant molecule in coca paste, crack, and freebase is identical; only powder cocaine (and, perhaps,...