Clueless Hetero Dominant Wannabe Clueless Newbie Clueless Newbie Clueless Newbie cluelessly cluelessness cluelessness clues clues clues clues her in clues him in clues in clues me in clues one in clues somebody in clues someone in clues them in clues us in clues you in Cluestick Cluestick Clue...
Eugenics was a class case of advocates and activists, clueless of any sense of science, broadcasting that the science (the term “race science” exploded onto the scene as if if had always been a thing) had been settled. In an era where many Americans enjoy blaming the living – and ...
When we talk about sexual satisfaction, the sexual response device in your brain consists of two parts. One of which is a sexual excitation method and the other being a Sexual Inhibition Method. Corresponding to the very first half, that refers to every one of the seeing, experiencing, touchi...
By Jon Rappoport *July 10, 2020 The plan all along was: sell a STORY about “a new virus.” A virus that researchers would believe they had discovered—but didn’t. The researchers are cultishly devoted to procedures of discovery that are scientifically useless and non-valid, as I’ve ...
The hours spent inside gazing longingly out the windows eventually turned into gazing at the glass itself. And noticing, for the first time ever, these salt deposits that probably spend winter perched on the windows every year. I can’t wait to wash it off. And now, sharing this with ...
clueless 10 clupeids 13 clusters 10 clustery 13 clysters 13 creepily 15 crepiest 12 crepitus 12 crispest 12 crudites 11 cruelest 10 crustily 13 cryptids 16 cullises 10 culprits 12 cupelers 12 cupelled 13 cupeller 12 cuprites 12 curdiest 11 cureless 10 curliest 10 cursedly 14 curtseys ...
Yet we never hear the mob that is so PC about today’s flu say that identifying that flu of a hundred years ago is racist. But what is sublimely ludicrous is that the “Spanish flu” did not originate in Spain at all. In fact, irony of ironies, it is the fact that the USA and...
Some of my best times with this game involved running through a short, one or two hour adventure with a few friends, only half taking things seriously as we sassed short-tempered dragons, stole ale from clueless barbarian hilltribes, and argued over who should get the magical glowing green ...
clueless. If a menu didn’t have pictures, we were screwed. While out to dinner one night, we were psyched to discover that our waitress spoke a tiny bit of English. But every time we pointed to something on the menu and asked, “What/how is this?” she would answer in a singsong...
I saw my side, the side of the coming liberal utopia of awakened skeptics, as being attacked by dim-witted, privileged, and clueless gobshites who were simply too dense or self-interested to hop on the truth train. I saw the red pill movement, which took shape not long after all of ...