Climatology(气候学) is the study of climate--the weather over a long time.The climate doesn't always stay the same. It changes slowly over hundreds or even thousands of years. For example, we know that in the past, large parts of the world had lots of ice and snow.This slow change ...
Climatology(气候学) is the study of climate—theweather over a long time.The climate doesn't always stay 1same. Itchanges slowly over hundreds or even thousands2years. For example, we know that in the past,largeparts of the world had lots of ice and snow. This slowchange is a normal ...
Climatology is the study of the slowly varying behavior of Earth's atmosphere, oceans, and land (climate) over a period of time. It can also be thought of as weather over a period of time. It is considered a branch ofmeteorology. A person who studies or practices climatology professionally...
What is the weather forecast? What does a paleoanthropologist study? What are gyres in meteorology? What is an observational study? What is the study of biogeography? What is general meteorology? What is applied climatology? What branch of science includes meteorology?
Climatology, also called climate science, is the study of the average weather conditions of a location, as well as the climate patterns of a region. Climatology is not just concerned with present day patterns, but understanding past climates and predicting climate changes into the future....
Climatology(气候学) is the study of the “climate" - the weather over a longtime.The climate doesn'tstay the same. It changes slowly over hundredst_1^2Ov^2Sandsofor even thousands of years. For example, wethat in the past large partsof the world had lots of ice and snow. This slow...
Climatology is the study of the “climate"-the weather over a long time.The climate doesn't 1 stay the same. It changes slowly over hundreds or even thousands of years.For example, we_2_ that in the past, large parts of the world had lots of ice and snow. This slow change is a ...
Meteorology:the study of Earth's weather, such as fronts, precipitation, wind, storms, and the like, as well as forecasting short-term weather based on available data Westend61/Getty Images Climatology: the study of Earth's atmosphere and climate, how it has changed over time, and how huma...
Why are weather maps important? How is a climate map useful? What are the impacts of climate change on meteorological patterns? Why do geographers need to be familiar with climatology? How is meteorology different from climatology? Why is forecasting stability and temperature important to meteorology...
Analyzing observations and modelling physical processes are the main methods used by climatologists to determine the climate. Climatology is the scientific study of mean weather conditions over a long period and the study of trends over months, years, or centuries....