Have you ever thought of b3an electric (电) car? Now it’s clear that we all need to act on our empty wallet as well as s4climate (气候) change, however, will people really be ready to make changes in their lives? Can we really make our e5greener than it is now?
Instead, progress is problem-solving, and we should look at things like climate change and nuclear war as problems to be solved, not apocalypses in waiting. "We will never have a perfect world, and it would be d...
Climate change is not only a human problem; animals have to adapt to it as well.Some warm-blooded animals are shape-shifting and getting larger legs and ears to better control their body temperatures as the planet gets hotter.Bird researcher Sar a Ryding of Deakin University describes these c...
1. What kind of harm may be caused by climate change? A.Deforestation.B.Energy shortage.C.Transportation cost.D.Bad weather and natural disasters. 2. What does the underline word “This” in Paragraph 3 mean? A.The rising temperatures help mosquitoes to breed.B.Serious diseases can only st...
Talks of climate change often spur thoughts of a far-off dystopia for future generations. But a new report shows that climate change is already damaging "the very foundations of our health and well-being" — and that governments are not doing enough to prevent it from getting substantially wor...
-ABC News Climate Unit's Kelly Livingston and Matthew Glasser Show More Dec 19, 2024, 5:47 AM CST Senate committee says insurance is getting more expensive because of climate change Climate change is making it more expensive for many Americans to insure and protect their homes and prope...
This is called climate anxiety. 3 A weather expert said, “It's normal to be sad when things you care about are getting hurt.” How can I feel better about the future? No one can fix climate change on their own, but there are lots of things we can do. 4 Or you can join a...
Is Weather Getting Worse (2)IsWeatherGettingWorse?Relatedmaterials GroupMembers:张朋,夏雨,汪倩,李秦 GlobalWarming Globalwarmingandclimatechangearetermsfortheobservedcentury-scaleriseintheaveragetemperatureoftheEarth'sclimatesystemanditsrelatedeffects.Multiplelinesofscientificevidenceshowthattheclimatesystemiswarming...
Climate change (气候变化) has brought a serious warning to the living areas of the Siberian crane, increasing the need to better protect the birds and their migratory channels (迁徙路径), an expert said. The Siberian crane breeds (繁...