it dries out your skin and hair, as well as it alters the taste of your drinks (tea and coffee!). Chlorine isn't a carcinogen and not considered hazardous or harmful in the amounts used in our water supply.
Excess of chlorine is harmful. The excess of chlorine is removed by treating with sulphur dioxide. Present a balanced equation for the redox change taking place in water. View Solution Q2 Chlorination can be used to purify water for drinking. View Solution Q3 Give balanced equations for the...
Chlorine is a toxic gas, it mainly invades the human body through the respiratory tract and dissolved in the mucous membrane contained in the water to generate hypochlorous acid and hydrochloric acid to cause harmful effects on respiratory mucosa: hypochlorous organizations have been strong oxidatio ...
Municipalities, which handle very large volumes of water usually rely on filtration, biological oxidation, and either chlorine or chloramines for disinfection. Simple filtration is generally effective to reduce turbidity2, but leaves salts, micro-organisms and many contaminants in the water. Bio-...
I am highly allergic to chlorine. It is not all it is cranked up to be. I use hydrogen peroxide instead. Please be careful when using chlorine. It can cause you to become sick when you are showering with it in your water supply, due to the fact that when it heats up it turns into...
Chlorine disinfection has been practised for over a century and has been credited with saving a significant number of lives worldwide on a daily basis, but it has received a great deal of negative publicity over the past few decades. The discovery in the 1970's that chlorination of water ...
People use chlorine in swimming pools to keep the water clean and raise the pH, and in much smaller concentrations to help keep municipal water supplies free of harmful organisms. Companies sometimes add chlorine bleach to industrial wastewater to reduce odor, and chlorine is used by the glass,...
Table salt is the most common salt used in an ion exchange water softener. I’ve discussed the effect of sodium on plants from such softened water in,Chlorine, Chloramine and Plants – Everything You Need to Know. Salt also affectsplants growing next to oceans where the wind blows sea salt...
Can you keep tadpoles in a jar? Bring 2 cleanjarswith screw tops. frogspawn or sometadpoles. Use the secondjarto top up the water. water from the pond. Is bottled water safe for tadpoles? Tap water usually contains chlorine, which is harmful to tadpoles. You can use tap water but you...
(a)Shields / filters out harmful UV rays from the sun that can cause skin cancer / genetic mutations / eye damage.:(b)Forms photochemical smog which irritates the eyes and lungs which can cause breathing problems.(c)Chlorine is oxidised. ;Its O.S. increases from 0 in C/ to +1 in ...