ChatGPT白天可以正常登录,晚高峰10点-凌晨3点,遇到登录不上的情况很正常 解决方法:刷新一下网页即可、换个节点、或者换个时间段登录。11、Your account has been blocked aftermultiple consecutive login attempts 出现Your account has been blocked aftermultiple consecutive login attempts,意思是您的帐户在多次连...
报错原因:ChatGPT对不同订阅用户有不同的速率限制,付费的当然更优待一些。 解决方法:刷新网页,开启新的对话,清理浏览器数据,更换节点。 中文翻译:网络错误。 报错原因:ChatGPT在使用过程中回答到一半,显示NetworkError网络错误。可能是任务量太多,它需要以长答案响应,长答案超出字数限制的时候,ChatGPT无法再继续返回答案。
如果你在ChatGPT中文网版插件中使用的apiKey来自于当前账号,则说明apiKey也已经不能用了。 2、OpenAI's services are not available in your country. OpenAI的服务在您的国家/地区不可用。 当前国家禁用 这个反馈的意思是,你当前的IP所在的国家不允许使用ChatGPT,换个“非亚洲地区的美国友好国家”的IP地址再试吧...
这个时候就需要开代理。 第二种情况是,自己开了代理,其它的网站都能进去,但是就是chatGPT进不去。 解决办法是,清理cookie,重启电脑,再开启chatGPT尝试; 或者换浏览器,换一个自己之前从来都没有听说过的浏览器,无痕里边进行尝试; 或者是直接联系你使用的代理的客服,问问他们怎么解决; 如果上面的方法都解决不了,那...
ChatGLM is one of hundreds of AI language models being developed for the Chinese language. It comes close to ChatGPT on many measures, say its creators.
(22 May 2024) As the competition between artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots intensifies, researchers in China are making progress on building Chinese-language AI models. The leading Chinese offerings include ChatGLM, which comes close to ChatGPT on some capabilities and outperforms it in Chinese...
chatgpt isn’t available in china—it’s not blocked, but openai, which built the tool, hasn’t made it available there—so guo went onto taobao, china’s biggest ecommerce site, where hundreds of thousands of merchants offer everything from iphone cases to foreign driver’s licenses. ...
CMC Securities said ChatGPT is unlikely to replace search engines anytime in the near future. Its algorithm captures too much information and can’t accurately tell which is true. Generating each search result costs US$0.13, which is a huge amount of money considering how many people are searc...
4. Using ChatGPT in a Way That Poses Risk to Others Your ChatGPT account can also be blocked if OpenAI detects you are using the service in a way that poses a risk to others. Examples of this include using ChatGPT to generate hate speech or fake news. ...
chat gpt i..我暂时不能理解图片,但根据文本内容我可以提供以下回答 对于您提到的问题,chatgpt ios3.5版本卡在最后一步,结合图片和文本内容可以看出,您在创建OpenAI账号时遇到了问题。根据错误提示,“