and the Chocolate Factory by the wonderful Roald Dahl. Forget Charlie Bucket, the real hero is Willy Wonka, inventor of the most amazing sweets in the world. Here are just afew of his delicious creations : Hot ice cream for a cold day! What a great idea. Now I can eat ice cream...
【小题】What is Charlie's real purpose of buying some chocolate bars? ___ A. To win some money. B. To eat more chocolate. C. To win a concert ticket. D. To visit a chocolate factory. 【小题】What do Sophie and Matilda...
Is the surgery in Flowers for Algernon possible in real life? How is Charlie in ''Flowers for Algernon'' bitter? Is Island of the Blue Dolphins realistic fiction? Is Alexander McCall Smith's work magical realism? What happens to Veruca Salt in ''Charlie and the Chocolate Factory''?
In Flowers for Algernon, what did Charlie realize from his nightmare about the bloody knife and the free association he did after the dream? Is the surgery in Flowers for Algernon possible in real life? Has Of Mice and Men been banned?
I’m crazy about chocolate, so it’s no surprise that my favorite book is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by the wonderful Roald Dahl. Forget Charlie Bucket, the real hero is Willy Wonka, inventor of the most amazing sweets in the world. ...
【题目】I'm crazy about chocolate, so it's no surprise that myfavorite book is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by thewonderful Roald Dah. Forget Charlie Bucket, the real herois Willy Wonka, inventor of the most amazing sweets in theworld. Here are just a few of his delicious creations ...
AI'm crazy about chocolate, so it'sROALDno surprise that my favorite book isCharlie and the Chocolate Factory bythe wonderful Roald Dahl. ForgetCharlie Bucket, the real hero is WillyWonka, inventor of the most amazingAND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORYsweets in the world. Here are just a few of his...
My favourite character:My favourite character is Charlie because he is very kind.I don't like the other children because they are horrible! Title:Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Author:Roald Dahl My opinion of the book :This book is great!l love the incredible chocolates and sweets in the...
Charlie. (2) Willy Wonka is ___. [ ] A. a boxer who suffers a series of losses B. a lawyer who has never told the truth C. a man who runs a chocolate factory D. a man who invents a time machine (3) Which film is about the life of a real person? [ ] A...
Is War and Peace a true story? Is Small Great Things a true story? Is ''Johnny Got His Gun'' based on a true story? Is Alias Grace based off of a real story? Is Just Mercy based on true story? Is the author of The Shack a Universalist?