the national chain en the national day set the national democrat the national geograph the national governor the national leadersh the national medal of the national olympic the national park of the national patrioti the national shipping the national team pla the nationally renown the natural history...
Selected Book Reviews, October – December 2016 personal,politics,psychology The Problem with Hillary Clinton and the Yankees faith,personal,politics Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness book reviews,literature,nature,politics Book Reviews, September 2016 ...
Move over,Charles Koch! It looks likeElon Musk, the CEO of Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) and SpaceX and the world’s richest man, is a libertarian, with a small “l”. In a couple of interviews — withTheWall Street Journaland then with theBabylon Bee, a popular Christian conservative alternati...
Éd. du Comité Central du Parti Ouvrier Socialdemocrati- que de Géorgie. Paris 1921. Mänchen-Helfen, Otto: Rußland und der Sozialismus. Von der Arbeitermacht zum Staatskapita- lismus. Berlin 1932. Marchionini, Karl: Revolutionen. Ein Gang durch die Geschichte der großen ...
Koch Industries appoints co-chief executive from outside namesake family; Dave Robertson to join 87-year-old Charles Koch in heading powerful US private company Andrew Edgecliffe-Johnson – Financial Times Charles Koch, the billionaire who turned Koch Industries from a 300-person oil and ranching ...
Inevitably, they will play their “Trump card” (pun intended) and proclaim, with all the knowledge from the School of Hard Knocks and their advanced degrees from Trump U, that Abraham Lincoln was a Democrat. Hold on there, Hoss, not so fast in that pickup truck with the oversized Americ...
Charles Gasparino – New York Post When you think of a ”banana republic,” you think of corrupt dictators someplace distant, where the people in power control the economy and jail their political opponents. Places like this still exist in the world – and believe it or not, right ...
ADallas Morning Newsinvestigation subsequently showed that five months after the explosion in West, the attorney general had received a $25,000 contribution from Chase Koch, the head of Koch Industries’ fertilizer division and the son of the libertarian billionaire Charles Koch. The Kochs owned a...
They currently do have a majority, but it’s not by much. The small margin has largely led to chaos and infighting within the GOP over its priorities, all before they’re stymied by a Democrat-led Senate and President Joe Biden. So House Republicans, while being uplifting in their...
He opposes the war in Gaza and still holds out hope that another Democrat will be the party’s nominee. But if it comes down to it, he’d support the president against Donald Trump. As for Tuesday night’s win, Palmer will get three pledged delegates to this summer’s Democratic ...