The Wrong Kind Of Cinnamon Causes Blood Thinning But beware.These varieties of cinnamon produce different results. Vietnamese cinnamon contains high levels of coumadin, a blood thinner.Ceylon cinnamonis the “real” cinnamon. The real cinnamon has been used for centuries in traditional medicine and ...
So, I’ve taken to sourcing my cinnamon from one of my sponsors,Cinnamon Hill. They sell the finest fresh Ceylon sticks from Sri Lanka and Saigon sticks from Vietnam, so you get a choice of the two best types in the world. That’s “real cinnamon” and it’s the only place you ca...
1 tablespoon natural Ceylon cinnamon 1 tablespoon natural ginger root Guidelines: To start with, blend the horseradish and ginger in a blender, at that point cut the lemons on cuts and add them to the blend. Blend until the point that you get a smooth surface, at that point include the ...