1:March (proper noun)2:month(common noun) 3:day (common noun)4:Thursday(proper noun) 5: holiday (common noun)6:Christmas(proper noun)7:cereal (common noun)8:cocoa puffs (common noun)9:Dr.cube (proper noun)10:doctor (common noun)11:city (common noun)12:Boston (proper noun)13:street...
Is tennis a proper noun? Is rose a proper noun? Is 'and' a proper noun? Is cereal a common noun or proper noun? Is chicken a proper noun? Is daffodil a proper noun? Is oak a proper noun? Is creek a proper noun? Is German a proper noun?
Then rewrite each sentence with the underlined noun made into a plural -- bough, cone, seed, bulb, flower, bud, vines. Or go to the answers. Match the Components of Flower-Related Compound WordsDraw a line from the word of the left to the word on the right that make a flower-...
Although the adjectivefurrydates to the late 1600s with the meaning "consisting offur," the derivative noun didn't take root in the English language until about the 1940s as the name for a fur-bearing animal (e.g., a bunny). A few decades later, the noun underwent a peculiar developme...
What is an affix in a word? What is a homophone for cereal? What does the word impala mean? What is a base word? What is the homophone for you're? Explore our homework questions and answers library Search Browse Browse by subject
Common Nouns and Proper Nouns Common Nouns Most nouns are common nouns. Common nouns refer to people, places and things in general likechairordog. Any noun that is not a name is a common noun. Examples:teacher, car, music, danger, receipt ...
Before we began, I provided them with a number of options to choose from: things I thought might be common fears, like heights, public speaking, spiders, snakes, dogs, and cats. I had expected that my students would get a lot of practice saying, “I’m scared of spiders,” and “I...
fodder - coarse food (especially for livestock) composed of entire plants or the leaves and stalks of a cereal crop 5. grass - street names for marijuana dope, gage, green goddess, sens, sess, Mary Jane, locoweed, skunk, weed, smoke, pot cannabis, ganja, marihuana, marijuana - the ...
Meaning "manly and virile,"Andrienne is a variation on the Greek name Andreathat was given to just five babies in 1959. One little letter—an extra "n," in this case—can make a big difference in the popularity of a name; the more common version of Adrienne ranked at #360 on the ...
Iteration is the process of repeating steps. For example, a verysimple algorithm for eating breakfast cerealmight consist of these steps: ... repeat step 3 until all cereal and milk is eaten. Does iteration mean version? 1 : version,incarnation the latest iteration of the operating system. 2...