首先,这里有个单词拼写错误哦【 libreral】——应该是【liberal】adj. 开明的; 自由的; 慷慨的; 不拘泥的politics n. 政治,政治学; 政治活动,政治斗争; 政纲,(个人的)政见; 经营,管理 .显而易见,这里是个人政见的意思.整句话的翻译是 她的个人政见既不保守也不太过于自由化.这里的politics作个人政见时是...
Generally speaking, the Democratic Party is considered more ___while the Republican Party more ___. A、liberal; conservative B、conservative; progressive C、liberal; strict D、strict; liberal 点击查看答案&解析 手机看题 你可能感兴趣的试题
The author mentions that Trump considers himself as a common sense conservative who take sides with members of the Liberal Party such as Bernie Sanders on various issues. The author also notes that former President George W. Bush calls himself a compassionate conservative who pulls conservative ...
In Civil War, there's not talk of red or white, Republican or Democrat, conservative or liberal. And to a point, that is compelling, as it instead urges audiences to focus on how an us-versus-them mentality can be as nebulous as it is dangerous. However, as was true in Men, ...
He is polling just ahead of liberal economist Hernando de Soto, leftist Verónika Mendoza, former soccer goalkeeper George Forsyth and conservative Keiko Fujimori, the daughter of former President Alberto Fujimori. If no single candidate gets over 50% of the votes on Sunday then the...
Reagan was a free-market conservative -- the sort of person who believes a failing business should be allowed to fail. Obama is a liberal -- the sort of person who believes a failing business should get government help. No surprise, then, that far more businesses failed annually under Reaga...
Unsure of whether they'd score highly, some tend to be more conservative and avoid choosing top programs, only to find out they scored much better than expected. This change allows test-takers to be “more aggressive” in deciding where they send their scores, he says. Further, those ...
It's much harder to be a liberal than a conservative. Why? Because it is easier to give someone the finger than a helping hand. — Mike Royko 126 I think a simple rule of business is, if you do the things that are easier first, then you can actually make a lot of progress. —...
Bloomberg moved to the independent party while still serving as mayor of New York. He's seen politically as fiscally conservative but socially liberal, a mix that's seen more often in New York City than elsewhere. Bloomberg endorsed Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton over Republican candidat...
Moore was instead redrawn into Carl’s 1st Congressional District, and the contentious primary in the deep-red seat devolved into a battle over who is more conservative — and at times, who is more loyal to former President Donald Trump. Both men frequently name-dropped the former president...