解析 1、Because, in this poem, the word "Captain" especially refers to Abraham Lincoln, president of the United States.2、The poet compares America to be the ship on the sea, and the sea symbolizes the Civil War of America. President, Abraham Lincoln, is compared to be the "Captain”, ...
The second paragraph on page 30.The crowd in front of the jail is a mixture of men and women, all maintaining severe looks of disapproval. Several of the women begin to discuss Hester Prynne, and they soon vow that Hester would not have received such a light sentence for her crime if ...
and it has been called the Chinese Valentine’s Day in recent years. “Meng Jiangnv” is a folk tale about Meng Jiangnv weeping over the Great Wall. Legend has it that in the period of Qin Shi Huang when the labor duties were heavy, a young man named Fan Xiliang was forced to leav...
JACK CADE: Be brave, then; for your captain is brave, and vows reformation. There shall be in England seven half-penny loaves sold for a penny: the three-hoop’d pot shall have ten hoops; and I will make it felony to drink small beer: all the realm shall be in common; and in Ch...
Of all of thetypes of nouns, common nouns are the simplest. They are only capitalized when they begin a sentence or are used in a title of something. Otherwise, they are always lowercase. Common noun examples Common nouns are pretty easy to understand. Let’s quickly look at a bunch of...
I am referring to the same king in the first sentence, and to the same captain in the second. Why wouldn’t both be capitalized? Thanks for your help. I have no rule to follow with this problem.” It’s a good question, with (quite) a simple answer. In the case of “King Edward...
What do I mean by "Badass" and why is it capitalized? We specialize in Business Badassery, and yeah admittedly it's kind of a tongue-in-cheek reference to our training but it's also an apt description. When I'm done with you (assuming you make it that far) I can drop you off ...
She is awomanof manytalents. Types of nouns There are many differenttypes of nounsthat we use to refer to a wide variety of people, places, things, and ideas. Let’s take a quick look at each of the different types of nouns and how we would use them in a sentence. ...
A dictionary entry has many elements: multiple definitions, syllabication, preferred spelling and pronunciation (some word have more than one acceptable spelling and pronunciation), and part-of-speech labels. Some entries also include plurals and capitalized forms. Synonyms, antonyms, and derivatives. ...
Chip is a man's nickname while Charlotte's is a possessive adjective, and Corvette is a brand. As you can see, the concept of name in this sentence needs crutches. Such problems prompted the need for jargon that means name in a predictable way. In other words, the theorists discarded ...