The worldview on cannabis shifts on a seemingly daily basis. While some countries pursue legislation to legalize, at least for medicinal use, others remain firm that marijuana and any associated products should remain illegal. While there is a growing list of places where cannabis is legal, each...
In Luxembourg, adults can use cannabis in the privacy of their home and grow up to 4 plants per household. Public use, purchase, and possession is still illegal, which means growing your own is currently the only way to legally get your hands on weed in Luxembourg. Adults (18+) in ...
So, cannabis is not always about drugs. Therefore, it is incorrect to say that it is illegal. Some states in the United States have decriminalized marijuana years ago. Some states don’t even allow cbd till these days. As for the other countries, we also know different attitudes. One of...
BONNY-NOACH, HAGITJournal of Behavioral Addictions
With more and more states moving to legalize recreational cannabis and Minnesota taking another, most likely, fruitless stab it. Compared to things that are already legal and readily available to responsible adults makes one wonder why it was made illegal in the first place. ...
Mr. Gertner: Cannabis is federally illegal in the U.S., full-stop. Some cannabis companies have chosen to ignore that restriction, some have not. Some stock exchanges, very junior exchanges, allow Canadian companies to connect within the U.S., and the more mature exchanges, including N...
Butin Victoria, this could soon change. Aparliamentary billproposing to treat medicinal cannabis users like people who use otherprescription drugs, rather than illegal drug users, is gaining support. Generally, being on medication doesn't mean you're not allowed to drive. It seems fair that medi...
of howmedicinal cannabisuse is evolving in the community as it becomes more mainstream," said Professor Lintzeris. "In order to better understand the impact and effects of medical cannabis, those using it need to be able to confidentially share their experiences, both legal and illegal." ...
Young people in Britain are more likely than other Europeans to take illegal(非法的)drugs.UK teenagers are taking up to five times more illegal drugs,for example,ecstasy tablets(摇头丸)and cannabis(大麻制品),than in other European countries.The most common drug for UK teenag...
This map shows the countries where recreational cannabis use is allowed as of April 2024, based on data from Wikipedia.