Calyrex, fancifully known as The King of Bountiful Harvests, is the main Legendary Pokémon in the Crown Tundra DLC, and his story makes up the bulk of the main questline here, too, in the adventure called The Sacred Bonds of Sovereign and Steed. How do you find the king of bountiful ...
The story surrounding the Crown Tundra revolves around a new Legendary Pokémon called, Calyrex. I wasn't very impressed with him, but fortunately, there are plenty of other Legendary Pokémon to catch in this snowy region. In addition to Calyrex, you can also catch the Galarian version of ...
The Isle of Armor In this expansion, Trainers will head to the Isle of Armor, the stage of a new adventure in the Galar region. The Isle of Armor is a giant island full of environments not seen in Galar before. There players will find wave-swept beaches, forests, bogs, ca...