Some people with Hypochlorhydria have also found that their symptoms are minimized by avoiding foods and beverages which can cause spasms in the esophageal sphincter such as caffeine (coffee, tea and colas), peppermint, spearmint, and spicy foods, such as hot peppers and cured meats. Modifying ...
Some foods to avoid include white rice and bread, caffeine, bananas, alcohol, processed foods, and frozen dinners. What Can Constipation be a Sign Of? What is constipation and how do I know why I have it? Could it be a sign of something more serious? Featured Slideshows Type 2 Diabetes...
He found that I had 3 internal hemorrhoids that didn’t appear to be inflamed. We first tried a fiber supplement, stopped washing the area with soap, decreasing the small amount of caffeine I drink. That did not make a difference. Next he banded the 3 hemorrhoids one at a time. I ...