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(1/5) Reviewed by DORIAN E BUTCHER on December 18, 2019 # Ordered 3 weeks ago… merch…..SCAM !!! LETTING EVERYONE KNOW Reply 0 of 0 people found this review helpful Was this review helpful to you? Yes No (1/5) Reviewed by Cris Rodriquez on February 4, 2016 # Complete...
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Website name owners, be aware of fraudulent Chinese domain name registration emails like the one below that came from the fake website www.chinaregistry.o...
In science fiction, Dune generally rules. In epic fantasy, after Tolkien, living writers such as Brian Sanderson and George R R Martin prevail, while in Low or Urban fantasy the likes of Jim Butcher take precedence. Fifty to a hundred sub-genres of fantasy have been proposed by marketers an...
We stayed for the end of Millenium more or less because we couldn’t believe anyone could butcher a John Varley story that badly). FM says: May 31, 2024 at 11:34 am ”Now, this is not the end. It is not even the beginning to the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the ...
From the outset, we knew that this game would benefit from a custom box insert. Not just to help with organisation, but also to streamline setup, gameplay and put-away. It has taken lots of time, spreadsheets, prototypes and alterations to achieve this goal, but we’re really, really clo...
Not necessarily broken, but Rick Unger points out a strange sight - the organic butcher is right next door to a memorial shop. Could either business find a more appropriate neighbor to locate next to? Posted inPlace|Permalink|Comments (22) ...