The final installment of Richard Linklater’s “Before” trilogy sees longtime lovers Celine and Jesse (Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke returning to the roles, respectively) on an excursion to Greece, almost two decades after their chance encounter on a train to Vienna. Now married with twin girls,...
The final installment of Richard Linklater’s “Before” trilogy sees longtime lovers Celine and Jesse (Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke returning to the roles, respectively) on an excursion to Greece, almost two decades after their chance encounter on a train to Vienna. Now married with twin girls,...
The final installment of Richard Linklater’s “Before” trilogy sees longtime lovers Celine and Jesse (Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke returning to the roles, respectively) on an excursion to Greece, almost two decades after their chance encounter on a train to Vienna. Now married with twin girls,...
Disney+ FINALLY made a short with a Plus Size lead! It’s called Reflect and it’s part of the Short Circuit short series. Let’s just say I was SOBBING,"saidone Twitter user. "16 year old me needed this Disney short before I quit ballet because I didn’t want to be the fat gir...