One of our readers recently pointed me in the direction of a rather interesting article on the Fine Gardening (magazine) website entitled, "The Jury is Still Out on Compost Tea". I have little doubt that the article has touched a nerve with many serious
First cultivated centuries ago inChina, the chrysanthemum was used primarily as a culinary herb. Its petals and young shoots found their way to the table in salads; its flowers and leaves were taken and brewed into teas. Does tuberose smell like rose?
Pot liquor – tea brewed from marijuana waste P.R. – Panama red marijuana Preludes – Preludin (phenmetrazine hydrochloride) Puff – to smoke, especially opium Purple hearts – Luminal tablets P.R. (Panama Red) – marijuana P-funk – heroin; crack and PCP Pack – heroin; marijuana Pack...
Currently my favourite tea is deep steamed sencha. It is great to help me wake up, keeps me energized through the day, can be brewed quickly, even cold brew takes only seconds to be ready:D. But the autumn is in the air so black teas are finding the way towards by tea pot now;)...
Three kinds of tea can be brewed separately or brewed together. It is called Sanhua tea. It is especially good for the liver when drinking for a long time. And roses will improve the girl's complexion. Chrysanthemum removes fire, nourishes the liver and improves eyesight. ...
Start your day off right at the cozy coffee shop, where you can savor a freshly brewed cup of coffee paired with delectable pastries. For a more substantial meal, head to the elegant restaurant, where a team of talented chefs awaits to tantalize your taste buds with a range of exquisite ...