The king of Chu was unhappy at 5 Yan Zi did. “Why did Qi send YOU? Don’t they have anyone better?” the king tried 6 way. “If Qi meets a great king, it’ll send the best ambassador (使臣). I’m the worst. That’s why I’m here.” Yan Zi replied calmly (镇定地). At...
We don’t have to live in fear and isolation. We don’t have to be afraid of strangers. At the risk of sounding hopelessly like a Pollyanna, I truly believe the world would be a lot better place–and we’d all be a lot more relaxed–if we’d just take a few moments and talk t...
Romi Gonen, Emily Damari and Doron Steinbrecher, captured during the October 7 massacre. They are all young women, and of course they are alive. We know that some families will be getting their relatives in boxes, which is ineffably sad, but today we can rejoice at this reunion ...
I don't write much about boxing anymore, because there's not much in boxing anymore worth writing much about. Occasionally, things do come up. Prizefighting is the most intriguing and compelling -- not to mention most difficult -- sport, but only when it is attracting the most talented, ...
Carole King: The First Woman To Win Multiple General Field GRAMMYs The first woman to win multiple GRAMMYs in the General Field in the same night was Carole King, when she swept Record ("It's Too Late"), Album (Tapestry) and Song Of The Year ("You've Got A Friend") in 1971. The...
CBS initially had wanted “Sunday Dinner” to debut in September. “To get six shows ready, I would have had to do it all in eight or 10 weeks. And I just don’t work that way,” Lear says. Then his return to TV was to have been in October with a five-times-a-week late-nigh...
Just then, the king saw a young girl coming along. She was the daughter of a local farmer. She had been working all day and was very tired. But when she saw the stone, she said to herself. “This stone is a danger to anyone who comes down the road after dark. I’ll move it ...
The main argument against using yeast in vegan cooking is that it’s alive and therefore not consistent with the principles of veganism. Some believe that to be vegan, you must abstain from consuming any living organisms, including fungi and plants. ...
Famed documentary filmmaker Ken Burns recently said,“As we got to know him… he was among the highest individuals in America; I'm talking about the level of Abraham Lincoln,Martin Luther King Jr., and Thomas Jefferson — people who have h...
Is this heartache I feel because I still don’t fit in here, even after so long, and know they’re going through the same? Or is it because I choose to stay here when I don’t have to? This is a question I’ve fielded from curious Cubans for decades and I’ve recently started ...