Good question? The reason I ask is that we use DI Water for cleaning parts on the Ion Implanters (semi-conductor field). Why not regular water or distilled? Also I have been told not to drink DI Water? Why? We drank distilled water (I believe) when I was on a US Submarine. What...
These days we take the internet for granted. We share our lives on social media and not just with friends and family. And that isn’t always a positive thing according to the father of the internet, Tim Berners-Lee. List...
the true story of the the truth about cats the truth about manag the truth at the end the truth will free m the truth will reveal the tryst the tsui hark animati the tuckshop the tumult of thy mig the turtle is faster the twelfth the twelfth card a li the twelve apostlesdi the twili...
Just be careful to use distilled or purified bottled water to rinse her nostrils. There have been people who died from using tap water in netti pots which introduced brain eating amoeba into the brain. No worries, I am rinsing her nose with saline. The vet gave me some and if/ when ...
Cats absolutely LOVE to play with boxes. Just set one up, turn it on the side and they have an instant toy. (This might be a great excuse to buy something from Amazon right now!) Water bottles Ferli Achirulli Water bottles There is absolutely nothing fancy about a water bottle but pets...
which seemed to work. But she asked herself, “Am I really going to live my life like this?” And one day, out of the blue, as she walked past that bathroom, Lauren saw one of the cats sitting on the toilet. To this day, that cat still pees like a human, and Lauren married he...
And I guess it slightly made up for the fact that I never did study abroad stint, which I so regret now. It was though these café meetings that I acquired the very European taste of drinking fizzy mineral water. (Calistoga was still being bottled.) I didn’t want to drink coffee at...
Overall, this year’s Eyes in the Deep went off without a hitch, which for any underwater expedition is a feat. The big unknown factor is always the weather. Even though it was quite hot, the important thing was that the lake was calm, making it very comfortable to hover over the shi...
Rishi lived happily on the island with his dog, Rainbow, cats, Bonita and Easy, two chickens and a duck until 2005 when a large storm destroyed his home. However, Rishi did not give up and at once started another island in a safer area. Spiral Island II is a bit smaller than the fi...
That night, I competed for space in my bed with my two cats, neither of whom could snuggle quite close enough. I can remember falling asleep that night holding – as I often did – one ginger,Karma-scented paw. The dream I can recall was disquieting, like all the best dreams. ...