Armor includes weapons. You’ll notice something else in that law. Ain’t nothing there about protecting ex-girfriends. And even though the Fifth Circuit agreed that the modern law “embodies salutary policy goals meant to protect vulnerable people in our society…Bruenforecloses any such analysis...
APIAlice Paul Institute(Mount Laurel, NJ, USA) APIAsset Performance Inc.(Vancouver, BC, Canada) APIAerial Photographic Interpretation(American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing) APIAir Position Indicator APIAsylum Policy Instruction(UK) ...
I began to verbally cast this thing away from me in the name of Jesus Christ – and it had no legal right over me. It worked! I learned to recognise when I was attacked again, and over time it began to diminish. Demons hide. When they are discovered, this is their downfall ...
BBS Body Bearer School (US Marine Corps) BBS Brownian Bridge Sampler BBS Box Bark Strips BBS Brooklin Bulletin Signs (sign company) BBS Best before Sale BBS Bare Base Set BBS Bison Business Supplies (Great Meadows, NJ) BBS Back Bencher Society (informal student group) BBS Best Beautiful Small...
Tonnage Grant Body Armor Grant Homeland Security Clean Communities Grant Municipal Alliance - 2012 Municipal Alliance - 2011 Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Click It or Ticket Quality of Life Grant-Middlesex County Community Concerns Grant NJ DOT - Perrineville Road Sidewalks Municipal Court Alcohol ...
Bama defeats it again, and for good, in NJ. Then the Usurper, Rump, comes to power (through the machinations of The Eastern Winter-King—a dead thing, with no soul or brains, bent only on disruption of the Great Peace). Rump has been raised by a worshipper of a death cult—and ...
regulations and mandates on the people, who have been propagandized into submission by the jar shakers. Dissenters like the owners of Atilis Gym in NJ and the Polish restaurant owner in Michigan are publicly tortured by the authorities with massive fines and jail time for attempting to keep the...
Bama defeats it again, and for good, in NJ. Then the Usurper, Rump, comes to power (through the machinations of The Eastern Winter-King—a dead thing, with no soul or brains, bent only on disruption of the Great Peace). Rump has been raised by a worshipper of a death cult—and ...
So it would have been entirely logical for him to fear disclosures that would damage their business models and legal viability. Whenever someone or a group of people is above the law, equality before the law is ended. And this is exactly why the megabanks threaten to undermine democracy. ...
APIAlice Paul Institute(Mount Laurel, NJ, USA) APIAsset Performance Inc.(Vancouver, BC, Canada) APIAerial Photographic Interpretation(American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing) APIAir Position Indicator APIAsylum Policy Instruction(UK) ...