【A551】看电影学英语口语~Ignorance is bliss. 无知是福,不知为妙。这句话表达的是,有时候人们不知道某些事情,反而能够更加快乐,因为知道了可能会带来烦恼或忧虑。强调在某些情况下,不了解真相或某些信息可能会让人更加幸福,也常常用来讽刺那些因为无知而避免面对现
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While there are many ways to sexual bliss, people practice kink in order to get that natural high. Kinks are great to shut off your mind, release shame, and experience a heightened sense of pleasure. The DDLG play is so popular because it creates POLARITY. We need someone to take control...
Nietzsche doesn't know meditation, which is another half of the coin. Human is free, his freedom can be joy a nd bliss only when he is based on meditation. Move God away -it's very good because God is the biggest danger to human's freedom - but give some meaning, creativity and re...
Settle down is a bad word. Or is it? I intensely dislike the unspoken implication that once you’ve settled down, that’s it. You’ve sowed your wild oats, now it’s time to live an….ordinary…..life. Life changes, and the more prepared we are to flex and roll with the waves,...
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Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page for free fun content. ...
Sir, I shall become a Muslim; and as for you,’ she said, turning to the priest, ‘you may, if you wish, go and tell my husband that I am very well.’ 牛津英译本pp.167-8.)***(but if the god Brahma has nothing more than that to offer me, it is the kind of bliss that ...
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death cult. Hollywood portrayed sex as a panacea. Itturned us into sex addictswith mainstream films that verged on porn (i.e. American Pie, Risky Business)Womyn are idealized.Movie intercourse takes place to a chorus of angels.This is Bliss. This is unity with God. We have...