Sodium hypochlorite, or bleach can be toxic for your body and household. Learn more about why bleach is toxic, and what to use instead in our latest blog.
bleach,bleach out,decolor,decolorise,decolour,decolourise,decolourize,discolorise,discolorize,discolourise discolor- cause to lose or change color; "The detergent discolored my shirts" Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
Is NH3 a Lewis acid, a Lewis base, or neither? Explain. Is Mg(OH)2 classified as an Arrhenius base? Explain. When bleach is added to water, is it an acid or a base? Explain. Is a solution with H3O+ = 3.7 x 10-9 M acidic or basic? Explain. ...
White vinegar includes more water, and therefore a lower concentration of acetic acid, than cleaning vinegar. Both will work well as an antibacterial cleaner for household chores, with the more concentrated cleaning vinegar packing a greater acidic punch. Now That's Potent Vinegar...
Why do hydrogen peroxide and bleach react as they do, and how is the hydrogen peroxide a catalyst? Why is an enolate ion generally more reactive than a neutral enol? Why is milk a colloid? Explain. Why is it not advisable to react an acid with sodium chloride directly? Why should a ch...
An undifferentiated embryonic cell. See also: blastocyst. blastomogen See: carcinogen. blastula See: blastocyst. BLAVA See: British Laboratory Animal Veterinary Association. Now LAVA. bleaches Solutions which can remove stains or pigments, and also which can have a disinfectant action. They frequentl...
HOCl is a weak acid that is formed when chlorine (a gas) dissolves in water. It is used as an active ingredient in sanitizers and disinfectants because of its ability to break apart cell membranes, similar to the mechanism of action of sodium hypochlorite (bleach) or hydrogen peroxide. Wate...
Plant roots integrate environmental signals with development using exquisite spatiotemporal control. This is apparent in the deposition of suberin, an apoplastic diffusion barrier, which regulates flow of water, solutes and gases, and is environmentally plastic. Suberin is considered a hallmark of endod...
The bag almost all microwave popcorn varieties come in is lined with perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). This chemical is the same toxic stuff found in teflon pots and pans. It can stay in the environment and in the human body for long periods of time. This chemical when heated has been linked...
Is acid free paper better? Acid-free paper is generally considered to be better than standard paper because it has several advantages. Here are some of the benefits of acid-free paper: Longer lifespan: Acid-free paper is designed to resist deterioration and yellowing, which means it can last...