27. Black Lagoon Madhouse The 1990s-set seinen series "Black Lagoon" was a big hit when it dropped in 2010, and it's now considered an anime classic. Based on the manga of the same name by Rei Hiroe, it's both a raucous story about modern-day pirates and a stinging critique of cap...
Camp Blood: Clown Shark (Fawesome) –Someday I have warned readers I will track down all the ‘Camp Blood’ movies just like I did with the ‘Witchcraft’ series and ongoing with the ‘Amityville’ series. But until then I settled to check out the Jeff Kirkendall and Mark Polonia venture...
Compliance Tip of the Day: Managing New Risks – Lessons from The Creature from The Black Lagoon Compliance into the Weeds: Leadership Lessons from The Washington Post’s Non-Endorsement Great Women in Compliance: Mary Inman and Jane Norberg on Current Developments in Whistleblower Laws and Pra...
Making a heritage scrapbook doubles as a fun art project and a great way for kids to learn about their family history. Leave blank pages at the end to make it an ongoing project. You may also like: American history from the year you were born...
Bay, with its green-tinted sand and brackish lagoon where flamingos and stilts cool off, and sea turtles nest on one special beach. Sail on to Post Office Bay, where leaving addressed postcards in a barrel and sorting through the barrel for mail to deliver at home is an ongoing tradition....
73 Mar 8, 2021 Anam Khan Reviews and syntheses: Ongoing and emerging opportunities to improve environmental science using observations from the Advanced Baseline Imager on the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites Biogeosciences - Preprint @An_Khan3 Khan 2021 GOES, geostationary satellites, envi...
which shows highlights from her massive personal collection, has recently been joined in the neighborhood by an ongoing pop-up from Hong Kong's White Cube. Nearby, The Ben, an Autograph Collection hotel, has become a public gallery space in its own right, featuring rotating exhibitions curated ...
An exiting ongoing project at Brandon Marsh is the creation of the Newlands Reedbed. This summer, 20,000 plugs of reed will be planted to extend the habitat. It is hoped that providing this huge area of reedbed, open water and marshy grassland will encourage bitterns and marsh harriers, ...
Ah, the subtle hint at the ongoing tussle between Disney and DeSantis is hard to miss. Illinois: Birthplace of Walt Disney In a clever move, they reminded Disney that the state is the birthplace of none other than Walt Disney himself, born in 1901 on Chicago's Northwest Side. ...
X of Swords has been like one big ongoing summit. We're all producing in lockstep. This is a big, big deal to us, to Marvel, to retailers, to fans. Hickman said it clearly from the very beginning: we are going to create the biggest and best crossover in the past twenty years....