SmithPK,KrohnRI,HermansonGT,MalliaAK,GartnerFH,ProvenzanoMD,etal.Measurement of protein using bicinchoninic acid.Anal Biochem.1985;150:76–85. DaveyHM,KellDB.Flow cytometry and cell sorting of heterogeneous microbial populations: the importance of single-cell analyses.Microbiol Rev.1996;60:641–96. ...
In recent decades, the prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) has rapidly increased worldwide, becoming a global health issue1. Of note, population studies have reported a higher prevalence of T2D in men than in women2,3. Consistent with humans, male mice have lower insulin sensitivity than fem...
Brown algae are a large and diverse class of marine and photoautotrophic organisms, consisting of more than 250 genera and 1500–2000 species1. They form the monophyletic class of Phaeophyceae which is included in the Stramenopile lineage and that forms one of the eight major phylogenetic groups...
It is for this reason also that we prefer to refer to the behaviour as tonic immobility (TI) rather than thanatosis (from the Greek noun θανάτωσις meaning “putting to death”) or death feigning. As to function, it is generally assumed that after any active resistance to ...
Soil Biol Biochem 66:38–44 Chen Y, Day SD, Wick AF, McGuire KJ (2014) Influence of urban land development and subsequent soil rehabilitation on soil aggregates, carbon, and hydraulic conductivity. Sci Total Environ 494:329–336 Chen Y, Wang X, Jiang B, Yang N, Li L (2016) Pavement...
If you want to work on projects that have a clear path from start to finish and are expected to deliver something workable on time and within budget, give up "research" and go to whatever is the biochem equivalent of "engineering". That's the thing, I'm in biomedical ...
Additionally, future work may focus on identifying common and distinct nodes at which biochem- ical pathways intersect biophysical transduction networks as well as elucidate mechanisms by which cells regulate their sensitivity to specific microenvironmental stiffness ranges. Methods Stem cell culture. Neural...
Zinc (Zn) is an essential trace element in living organisms and plays a vital role in the regulation of both microbial virulence and host immune responses. A growing number of studies have shown that zinc deficiency or the internal Zn concentration does
Biochem Cell protein levels within the mesolimbic dopamine system after Biol 79: 243–252. withdrawal from cocaine: implications for incubation of cocaine Bowers MS, McFarland K, Lake RW, Peterson YK, Lapish CC, craving. J Neurosci 23: 742–747. Gregory ML et al. (2004). Activator of G...
Historical interpretations of the thermodynamics characterizing biomolecular recognition have marginalized the role of water. An important (even, perhaps,