Gallbladder cancer:Gallbladder cancer is a variant of cancer that primarily affects the gallbladder of the patient. Chronic typhoid infection of the gallbladder is considered to be a risk factor.Answer and Explanation: Gallbladder cancer is indeed curable, just like other types of cancer. However...
Bile duct cancer:Bile duct cancer is a type of cancer that is known to be extremely rare and lethal. Signs include jaundice, weight loss, fever, abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting.Answer and Explanation: The aggressiveness of the cancer will depend on the differentiation of the cancer cells...
Stage -2: Also referred to as the locally advanced cancer, the cancer has spread to the duodenum or the bile duct and has invaded other tissues and organs situated next to the pancreas, but the cancer has not spread into lymph nodes situated nearby. ...
Being proactive about routine care is also critical. When detected early, colon cancer is highly treatable, but too often, younger patients are being diagnosed with later-stage disease. That's in part because they often ignore symptoms (younger patients often experienceabdominal pain, rectal bleeding...
Does colorectal cancer cause gas? How aggressive is melanoma? How aggressive is liver cancer? How fast does anal cancer grow? Is sarcoma cancer aggressive? Can colon cancer spread to the prostate? Is anal cancer treatable? How aggressive is cervical cancer?
How treatable is thyroid cancer? What are the survival rates of pancreatic cancer? How aggressive is thyroid cancer? What is the survival rate of stage II melanoma? What is stage 4 thyroid cancer? What is the survival rate for triple negative breast cancer?
Why is radiation used to treat breast cancer? What is the treatment for esophageal cancer? How can bone cancer be treated? How treatable is liver cancer? How can liver cancer be cured? Can stage 4 stomach cancer go into remission?
Metastatic liver cancer is also called secondary liver cancer. It is a stage 4 cancer that begins at a different location in the body and spreads to the liver when dislocated cancer cells travel through the bloodstream or the lymphatic system....
Adrenal cancer:Adrenal cancer is a group of cancer that affects the endocrine system through the adrenal glands. Excessive perspiration of considered to be a sign of the disease.Answer and Explanation: Adrenal cancer is an extremely uncommon form of cancer, having only thousands of cases yearly ...
Pancreatic Cancer:Studies have indicated that pancreatic cancer is very slow to progress to the lethal stages, however as most people do not experience early warning symptoms, pancreatic cancer often goes undiagnosed.Answer and Explanation: Stage 4 pancreatic cancer is not curable and is the most ...